first ivf failure - embryo didn't imp... - Fertility Network UK

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first ivf failure - embryo didn't implant - no fertility issues. help :(

Tryingforbabynow profile image


Our cycle seemed to be 'perfect' 3 blastos with good grades so transferred 1 on day 5

Took vitamins for 6 months prior, non smokers, no alcohol for 6 months, healthy diet

Tested negative every day since day 5 so appears that the little guy didn't even implant at all.

We are in a same sex couple under 30 with no fertility issues and are just at a loss as to why this didn't work.

Is it common for ivf to not work the first time round even if you have no fertility issues?

Just really looking for stories that are similar and that we have hope for our 2nd transfer which will be a FET.

Thanks in advance everybody

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26 Replies
finup0321 profile image

ugh, I’m so sorry it didn’t work. I had the exact same situation: partner & I in very good health, I had a seamless preparation month and transfer, and we had a perfect euploid embryo that didn’t implant. I didn’t even mourn the loss, I was just so frustrated by the lack of attachment. The unfortunate part of IVF is that even under perfect conditions success is like a coin toss. It may take several tries with everything being perfect until it works! It’s not your fault that it didn’t work, so keep your head up and keep doing what you’re doing: stay healthy and try not to let IVF get the best of you x

Tryingforbabynow profile image
Tryingforbabynow in reply to finup0321

Thank you and sorry to hear that you've been through the same situation.

I too feel so frustrated! so many questions but i guess they cannot be answered with a definite and its just one of those things but there is a big question of WHY!

Are you going to be trying again?

As I type this my partner is actually now bleeding so its definitely over but atleast we know and can box this off - we have 2 frozen embies and i've heard FET can be more successful because its less stressful so hopefully.

Sorry this has happened to you, its really gutting. I have no fertility issues the problem has been my partners sperm motility. Had a grade one embryo transfered and it didn't implant. My clinic wasn't great at explaining this but it does seem to just happen. A bit like how fertile people can have sex around ovualtion and not alwasy get pregnant that first time they try. The clinic will probably talk about changing something next time. Mine spoke about putting me on aspirin for blood flo next time. Xx

Tryingforbabynow profile image
Tryingforbabynow in reply to

Thank you and sorry that yours didn't implant either - due to the fact that my partner has come on her period now, during the TWW, I presume that it may be something to do with the progesterone.

CarlottaD27 profile image

Hello. I'm so sorry it didn't work and this is all so unfair and unpredictable. I have been reading up on PGT-A testing recently and apprently some very high grade / healthy looking normal embryos can be abnormal chromosonally (meaning they likely won't implant or may miscarry), and yet some less healthy and lower graded embryos can be the normal ones. I suppose it means that even with a perfect looking high graded embryo, it may not be genetically normal... However given your young age and health, i don't expect many of your embryos will be abnormal so hopefully this is just bad luck and there is so much hope for those two embabies! take care x

Tryingforbabynow profile image
Tryingforbabynow in reply to CarlottaD27

Our little blasto was a 3bb and defined as good so apparently around 60% chance of implantation or so but doesn't look like it implanted at all, period started today during the TWW so i'm starting to think that the progesterone wasn't high enough? that would make sense of the complete lack of implantation and the early period!

even the best of the best looking embryos might not implant but we really really thought that as you say , given our age and health we would be in with the lucky first timers!

Fortunatley we have 2 frosties and will do a FET as soon as the clinic advise we can - which from reading they advise normally to do on your next cycle?

Thanks for your reply I really appreciate it - TWW has been utter hell!

CarlottaD27 profile image
CarlottaD27 in reply to Tryingforbabynow

Ah that must be so scary and disappointing to bleed early, not what you expect.

I’ve actually not started ivf yet but as I’m having treatment and it’s the next step, I’ve been doing a lot of reading up and taking to Drs - so definitely no expert at all but can share some things that Drs have passed on…

I have low progesterone and a short Luteal phase and my Dr did mention that about a third or women on progesterone medicine don’t absorb enough as their body needs so they need extra. I wonder if you could ask the Dr for extra progesterone next time? And to have it tested? I’ve heard it can’t hurt to have more progesterone rather than too little … hope the Dr gets time in with you soon to review this all and get a plan for next transfer so that they can learn from this one x

Tryingforbabynow profile image
Tryingforbabynow in reply to CarlottaD27

I hope your cycle goes well 💕 and yes I think you might be right about the progesterone and I will bring this up if they do not after our transfer review which should be next week.

Thank you for taking the time to reply 🙂

Pepperino profile image

So sorry it didn’t work for you this time. I’m in a similar situation, 30, in a e ame sex couple, no fertility problems, high AMH, perfect HSG test and perfect lining. We did an IUI with very good quality donor sperm, and 2 good looking follicles which ended in bleeding before the end of 2WW and BFN. Moved on to IVF and had to do a freeze all due to OHSS. Transferred a 5AA embryo in an FET cycle and increased the progesterone, I didn’t bleed before the end of the TWW but still BFN. I think when you hear of couples with significant fertility problems getting pregnant on their first transfer it does make you think that will happen for you if you have good fertility. Apparently the general success rate per transfer is 30%. It is so frustrating but I guess sometimes it just doesn’t work for no real reason? In the middle of the TWW for our second FET atm (4AA) so keeping my fingers crossed for this one ☝️. Best of luck for your next frostie! And try and enjoy the down time in between rounds with you partner if you can. I think for a lot of people it’s a marathon not a sprint x

Tryingforbabynow profile image
Tryingforbabynow in reply to Pepperino

Thanks for taking the time to reply. You're absolutely right that you go into it with such high hopes thinking that it will work first time due to age no issues ect but it just doesn't work like that as we've found out!

Good luck with your FET 🤞

Can I ask you if any of your embryos havent made the thaw? Is it unlikely for them to not make it, we only have two so kinda need them both lol 😆

They are both day 5 blastocysts



Pepperino profile image
Pepperino in reply to Tryingforbabynow

Absolutely, I think we all subconsciously assume getting pregnant will be easy (ish) until it’s not!

The two we’ve used so far have thawed fine. The last one did drop to 5AB after thawing but the embryologist said they weren’t concerned and doesn’t mean it wouldn’t catch back up once transferred. I think they say about 95% survive thawing so it’s rare for them to not although it does happen.

That’s great that they’re both 5 day blastocysts. People get pregnant with3 day embryos so there’s lots of hope for us yet 🤞.

Tryingforbabynow profile image
Tryingforbabynow in reply to Pepperino

How did you get on with your 2nd transfer? x

Positive20 profile image

Hi Tryingforbabynow! Unfortunately it doesn’t always work even though there is nothing wrong. I had multiple transfers even though every time my lining was perfect and the egg was a good grade egg. I had high hopes in the beginning but now I know it doesn’t always work - however I’m glad to say it has now but I have had multiple attempts and it wasn’t our best grade egg xx

McQueeny profile image

heya. I’m sorry you’re going through this, unfortunately there isn’t always a reason - there’s a lot we still don’t know about fertility, and sometimes it just doesn’t work. The good news is that if you persist with multiple tries, success rates are really good…. It might just take a few goes. We technically have no problems (didn’t manage to get pregnant naturally, but every single test came back fine) - and it took us a few tries to get there…. But we did! Now pregnant with baby no. 2.

It’s a hard journey but it’ll be so worth it when you get there 💪🤞💫

Thanks so much, we will definitely keep trying and have a couple of frosties waiting so hopefully on of them are successful ❤️

I'm so pleased you got your bubbas x

Twiglet2 profile image

I’m so so sorry it is really hard to get a negative after all the high hopes! There sometimes is no explanation and it’s really common for it not to work first time.we are a same sex couple and I have no fertility issues It was our 3rd transfer (4th embryo) from our first round that ended up working and we did absolutely nothing different from. The first 2 or the prior 6 IUIs before that (except I chilled out a bit lol) so it really can just be a game of chance sometimes with the right embryo. Our ‘perfect’ 5AA embryo didn’t even have a hint of a bfp and a 4BC brought is our little boy so it’s great you have some frozen and they have every chance of being the one for you guys. Take care and be kind to yourself over the next few weeks you’ve been through a lot and good luck going forward xx

Tryingforbabynow profile image
Tryingforbabynow in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you for taking the time to reply and i'm so pleased you got your little boy <3 xx

Lucy014 profile image

Sorry to hear this. I completely understand how you want an answer so know what to do differently next time.

We were the same. Had our first collection in April this year. 8 eggs collected. 6 mature. 4 fertilised but only 1 made it to day 5. That 1 was graded a 3AA which they said was excellent quality, but it didn’t work. I couldn’t understand why, but they say it’s likely due to chromosome issues. The quality of the egg doesn’t check chromosome quality, you can send off for testing to see if it has a chance or not, but as we only had 1 and it was our first round we didn’t.

From what I’ve been told the first round is abit of a trial.

I hope your next transfers go well and you get your positive 🙏🏼 xx

Tryingforbabynow profile image
Tryingforbabynow in reply to Lucy014

Thank you, I hope your next go gives you your BFP aswell <3

Lucy014 profile image
Lucy014 in reply to Tryingforbabynow

thank you!

AshleyJB profile image

Hi. I'm so sorry to hear this. Exactly the same thing happened to us. Our first round failed with 2 really good graded embryos, I also had been living like a Saint with a healthy diet and no alcohol etc. Our consultant said 99% of the time when everything looks perfect the reason they don't implant is down to the embryo. He likened it to buying a cookbook where the front cover looks glossy and amazing but then sometimes the recipes inside aren't good.

It's really normal for this to happen and that's why they aim to get more embryos and more chances with every additional embryo.

It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you whatsoever, the embryo just didn't implant and stopped developing which happens to most embryos.

It seemed so unfair as the few people I knew that had already been through IVF got pregnant with their first embryos. I guess they were just lucky in that respect.

This was just my experience anyway.

Fingers crossed that your FET is with an embryo that goes the distance!

Lots of Luck!

SMBCnewbie profile image

I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's so hard and stressful. I found discussing with my consultant and setting up some sortve plan/time frame helped me come to terms with it...and time to grieve and recover from the whole fresh cycle and process. The same thing happened to me last month. 3 'top quality' blastocysts. One transferred on day 5. I'm older than you (38) but my transferred embryo was from my 35 year old frozen eggs. I've never tried to have children before naturally and have used donor sperm. I assumed that it would probably work. I have a regular cycle, no known fertility difficulties. I am a little on top end of BMI but exercise regularly. No alcohol, no caffeine, no smoking. Mostly unprocessed diet. It blind sided me when it didn't work. It was so much harder than I expected. I spoke to my consultant and it really is a numbers game. We just fell in the 40% or so this time around. I am now planning FET...but wondering if I should just let it happen (trying for natural assisted cycle) or try embryo glue or endometrial scratch. They're not really proven and still Amber on HFEA site but it's hard to know what to do. Keep us updated. Xx

Tryingforbabynow profile image
Tryingforbabynow in reply to SMBCnewbie

Thanks for taking the time to reply and i wish you all the success with your frostie xx

FlowerGem115 profile image

Thanks for creating this post, certainly resonates with me as we have recently been through our first failed fresh transfer and like you didn't get implantation and we have 2 frozen to try. I have been trying to stay positive that the fet will be more successful, I am very grateful we have them to try as first egg collection didn't result in any embryos so for us it probably was quality but the uncertainty of not knowing and it being only guessing and percentages I find hard to accept. I haven't gone straight into the frozen transfer, but left it another cycle . I did get my fer protocol though and they seem to measure progesterone on this whereas they didn't on fresh so hopefully that will make the difference and for you too as I notice you mentioned about bleeding before two and I bled a couple days early as well.

Wishing the very best of luck for the frozen transfer when you both feel ready for it xx

hey there, sorry to hear it didn’t work. It’s truly a lottery. Sometimes good grade embryos don’t implant and sometimes lower grades miraculously do. I had a medicated FET first time, it was a 5AA embryo and failed. I was confused and disappointed like you looking for answers. I changed it all up. I changed to naturally occurring folic acid, I went for acupuncture and I changed to a naturally modified FET. This worked with my 5AB embryo who is now my darling one year old. Who knows if it was all the things I did or just luck. Good luck for your next transfer. It’s just a numbers game often 🤞

Thank you <3

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