Implantation failure help?: Hi all, I... - Fertility Network UK

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Implantation failure help?

Georgie17 profile image
23 Replies

Hi all, I've been following many of the infertility journeys and I'm hoping someone has some advice. I've just had my 4th negative from a day 5 transfer with both embryos aa grade. I'm worried that my uterus is not receptive. I've been on steroids, aspirin and take metformin for PCO but want to know if anyone has tried any other treatments prior to transfer to help with implantation.I did have a scratch and one neupogen wash in my third go which resulted in positive followed by a miscarriage at 9 weeks. We've got 2 frozen blastocysts left and want to give them the best chance possible. I've had nk cells test and all fine there. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on what's worked for you with implantation failure.

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Georgie17 profile image
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23 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

My clinic do a miscarriage and implantation failure blood test package. It costs around £850. Is something similar at yours? I don’t know what else to suggest sorry and I’m sorry for your bfn. I really hope that one of your remaining embryos is your 🌈 xx

Georgie17 profile image
Georgie17 in reply to Tugsgirl

I'm not sure but I will ask my consultant. I'll give anything a try as the negatives every time are too painful to handle. Thanks Tugsgirl, I hope our next one is positive xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

Iv had 7 implantation failures with supposedly good grade embryos that were blastocyst.Please can i have details on your clinic?.That blood test package maybe just what will save me.

Georgie17 profile image
Georgie17 in reply to

Hi Rainbow_BB, your question came to me so I am not sure If Tugsgirl got your message. Might be worth sending a reply to her post just in case only I got your note.

in reply to Georgie17

That’s weird it showed an arrow and her name.Ild send it again.Thank you.

in reply to Tugsgirl

Iv had 7 implantation failures with supposedly good grade embryos that were blastocyst.Please can i have details on your clinic?.That blood test package maybe just what will save me.

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

Have PM’d you xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Tugsgirl

Would you mind pm-ing me too please? X

Skybid profile image

Hi Georgie17, I’m afraid I’m in the same boat, after 3 IVF’s with my own eggs, I switched to donor embryo this year which I thought would solve the problem, had another BFN in June with 2 excellent quality embryos. I’m going back in October to try one last time then I think we’re going to look at adoption. I was so positive that donor would work. I haven’t tried steroids, metformin or aspirin. I have been taking infolac for my PCOS and have started acupuncture which I haven’t tried on any of my other procedures. I asked my clinic about having a scratch but they didn’t think it was worth having it?? It’s so frustrating. Xx

Georgie17 profile image
Georgie17 in reply to Skybid

So sorry to hear that you are in the same position. Whilst I love hearing about the successes, I take a lot of comfort in knowing that I am not on my own with recurrent failures. I'll look into infolac. I have been having acupuncture and found it very relaxing. I hoped it would help with blood flow to the uterus but I'll need to see if there are other internal issues affecting implantation after this failure. I am unsure about scratch but I have heard that it has worked for many by stimulating the area. I wish you all the best for October. Keep me posted on how you get on. I'll be heading back to the consultant in the coming weeks and will ask for Tugsgirls blood test suggestion and hope for a better outcome xx

Skybid profile image
Skybid in reply to Georgie17

Thanks for your reply, please do keep me updated on anything you do find out as well. i have also started taking ferrous sulphate as it was recommended to me by my nurse on one of my Nhs cycles, I think that’s due to me being a veggie so needed to top up my iron.

Let me know how u get on in a few weeks time..,.good luck!xx

Scarlett13 profile image

I’ve also had 3 transfers fail with top quality blastocysts. Got one more go next month. This will be my second with scratch. Not sure if it’s the embryo or implantation that’s the issue. So frustrating and upsetting x

Georgie17 profile image
Georgie17 in reply to Scarlett13

I agree it is frustrating and not knowing is the worst. All the best with your next go. I did read somewhere about the implantation window and how this might be later for some than others as we all have different cycles. I was thinking about asking about this in case this might be something to consider for next time. sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Georgie17

Thank you x lots of luck your next go too and I’ll be asking my clinic what I can do next if this go doesn’t work... x

Abaco profile image

Hello, I'm sorry to here this, this journey is just so cruel! Last month I had a chemical the transfer before That was a bfn. In preparation for our next transfer my husband and I have both had alloimmune tests plus a kyrotype test for him and an anticoag test for me. For the last transfer i was put on immune meds, they are now seeing if there's something chromosomally wrong or something wrong with how my blood cots. I see you too had a miscarriage at 9 weeks, so that time it did implant, not saying it's the right solution for you but maybe your clinic could check the embryos the fault might not lie with you. All the very best X

Georgie17 profile image

Not heard of any of these tests. Thank you for sharing this. I'll make sure to ask as I did wonder whether the embryo might be the issue but then I don't understand why I get blastocysts as I would have thought the cells wouldn't have developed so far along if there was a problem with the embryo....I need to quiz them more this time and will ask about these tests. Sorry to hear about your losses. Thank you and wish you all the best too xx

Abaco profile image

Thank you, all the best on your journey too! X

Sarah_S profile image

I had scratch, and also Inhixa (Clexane), but not steroids. I had the set of implantation tests which someone has mentioned above. Expensive but was worth it for me, now bfp after 4th try x

Georgie17 profile image

Hi Sarah, I'm so pleased for you and wish you a wonderful pregnancy. I've not come across Clexane but I will look into it. I feel that the tests will be a good idea and I'd rather do it now as I only have two frozen embryos left so want to give it my all. Thanks for sharing what worked for you xx

Sorry to hear of your BFN & really sorry to hear of your MC. I had one last year awful isn’t it.

The above advice is very good & there isn’t much I can add. Perhaps have a laparoscopy & hysteroscopy to look inside your uterus and outside to see if there any abnormalities such as endometriosis which can be treated at the same time.. I’ve got endometriosis which never showed on any scans which can definitely affect implantation ( mine does due to where it chooses to grow 🙄) Sorry if you’ve done this before.

Good luck hope you can get some answers 😘 xoxo

Georgie17 profile image

Hi Jess, it was the worst and so painful emotionally. I have had a laparoscopy and had a lot of scar tissue removed a couple of years back but I get the feeling that it could be to do with my blood clotting or as you say it could be something more internal. I'm going to take time to investigate but I hate all the waiting. I'm quite impatient after 4 years of trying but I live in hope that the next time is the one. I hope you have been able to get some answers yourself. All the best xx

Blondie_81 profile image

Hi I have also had 4 BFN’s- 2 fresh and 2 frozen and going to start a new 4th IVF cycle privately at a new hospital in the new year. They’re going to do a scratch and put me on short protocol which I’ve not done before but I have also debated and researched immunology issues and the ivf world seems divided on it so have decided not to do that yet. This is the first hospital we’ve used that have the embryo scope time lapse technology too. My only problem so far seems to be Low AMH for my age - I’m nearly 38 and never been once been pregnant. It’s tough xx

Georgie17 profile image

I've not heard of the embryo time lapse tech. I hope that makes a difference. I did do the nk cells test which came back fine for me. I was due to have my 5th attempt which has now been cancelled due to incubator failure at my clinic but I had intralipids infusion and have been on neupogen to try and help. I'll not know if this will make a difference until Jan when I'm going to have to start again. Good luck with your new clinic

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