Hi All,
So after finding out our first IVF failed a week ago I’m finally in a better place about and wondered if any of you ladies had any advice for going forward. We’re currently diagnosed as unexplained sub-fertility (they don’t seem to use the word infertility) and I’m just wondering if any of you ladies have success stories with a second IVF or did you get any more answers after your first IVF?
I seemed to react pretty well to all the drugs, grew 5 good sized follicles with 9 days of stims and got 5 eggs out of them. All 5 fertilised with IVF but then only one decent one at day 3 so transferred the 2 best. Unfortunately no luck. Anyone have a similar experience and did anything get changed because of it? Wish we knew the cause of our problems but bloods and HSG all normal and partner sperm analysis was okay (not amazing but still good enough for conception).
Anyway, sorry for the long post. Just anxiously waiting for our next appointment to come through to discuss next steps and want to have some things to ask.