2 failed embryo implantations but no ... - Fertility Network UK

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2 failed embryo implantations but no known issues

Loz18s profile image
14 Replies

We have unexplained infertility and have had 2 IVF cycles both resulting in BFN. Just before Covid shut clinics we had a fresh first round where everything was good. Great reaction to Stims, lining scans all fine 9 eggs collected all fertilized 1 wasn't so great so didn't freeze 1 replaced after 5 days. I continued taking progesterone pessaries but then bang on 14 days after egg collection my period came and I knew I was out. Covid meant I had time to get over it and in November we started the FET process. I mentioned that I was concerned my progesterone levels might have been low considering I got my period last time while on them and was given extra blood tests. My results were boarderline ok was told that because my lining was good they were happy to keep me off injections and remain on the pessaries. I was ok with that. Had my transfer and felt good. Had accupuncture drank pom juice (not doing that again unless I'm told it will 110% get me pregnant and stay pregnant!) Pineapple and was supper chilled. Had a lot of cramps including back cramps boobs felt like they were on fire and groin stitch like pain too. I took a test this morning on OTD and bang negative result.

Has anyone had great results but someone obviously not happening in the TWW? Seems like it's then that something stops. Is there something I can ask for to be tested? Or additional medication? I've never had a bfp or possible pregnancy. It's so frustrating.

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14 Replies
Maui2020 profile image

Hey Loz18s, sorry to hear of your result, I know how heartbreaking it is. My clinic not only prescribes every form of progesterone possible (maybe uneccessary for everyone) but also Clexane if you have a history of failed implantation. Maybe worth discussing. Good luck and sending positive thoughts x

Loz18s profile image
Loz18s in reply to Maui2020

Thank you. I was told if this round didn't work I'd be moved to injections next. I have wondered if they would do a dummy cycle where I take my meds (still have them left) as if I was going to do a transfer but then monitor my levels? No idea if that's even possible. I've heard of clexane and something new embryo glue?! I mean I thought embryo glue was someone having a laugh but turns out that it's a thing!! Will add Clexane to my list of questions. X

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Loz18s

I think you could even ask them to monitor you more closely for the actual next round. It was probably overkill but my clinic were happy to measure my progesterone every 3 days, esp if you’re paying privately. I’ve been told you can’t overdo it on progesterone which is why they have a policy of giving everyone everything! I also asked about every add on possible when my FETs were failing and mentioned embryo glue. I was previously at a big London clinic who said they researched it on a large sample themselves and didn’t believe it had an effect, but your Dr may have different experiences.

Also my TSH level drastically changed in 4 months in between cycles, to a level where I needed a low dose thyroxine. I was surprised and they said it can change month to month! I was happy I rechecked it.

I know you could go on forever checking and rechecking everything, but it’s great you’re going in with armed with lots of questions. Hopefully they can guide you once you discuss everything xx

Loz18s profile image
Loz18s in reply to Maui2020

I've had a lot of monitoring this cycle but feel once I've had the transfer nothings checked so if there's a drop in levels I wouldn't know. It's all about before transfer which I've never had a problem with. At the moment we're funded, our next one is our last funded round so feeling extra pressure to get it right or at least find out whats happened. It's making me think has that been the issue all along that we've been fertilizing eggs the natural way but I've never implanted.

My clinic is in London too, I like it there but not too sure if we would stay there if cycle 3 doesn't go in our favour, not for any bad reasons but I think Id go abroad. Ive got until Jan for my follow up so I'm going to do alot of research to help my questions and mention things other ladies have mentioned that helped them. Thank you. Xx

Goldie24 profile image

Hi, I don’t really have any advice but just wanted to say I’m really sorry about your BFN. I got mine yesterday and like you am struggling to think what can be done differently when everything seems to be fine 🤷🏼‍♀️ It was only my first transfer (an FET with a top grade embryo and perfectly measuring lining) but i was our 5th attempt at getting to transfer in the last 12 months as nothing has gone to plan other than this cycle. I doubt my clinic will do much as they’ll put it down to bad luck but i just know there’s something else going on that they haven’t got to the bottom of as our journey has been so bizarre. Make sure you write down all your questions for your follow up (I’ve got three pages worth 😂) and push for more tests if you feel you need more answers x

Loz18s profile image
Loz18s in reply to Goldie24

Oh I'm so sorry to hear your cycle didn't go to plan. It's so frustrating when everything looks promising. The first round I was so unpreparedbmenrally as I thought it was going to be postponed but everything went well right up until the 14th day after egg collection. My naive mind thought I'd caught myself with the pessary applicator that morning. But turned out to be my period. Looking back it wasn't to be we had lockdown and we had some upsetting family news too so timing wise we accepted it. This time round so prepared had and did everything in my power to make sure it sticks. I've got a few questions ready for the new year but now we are in our final funded round so feeling the extra pressure. Xx

Goldie24 profile image
Goldie24 in reply to Loz18s

Oh bless you 😔 that sounds so tough. I ended up in hospital after my egg collection with severe OHSS so everything was frozen it was all such a shock. There is a lot of pressure with funding - I had to fight to get an FET funded as where I live we only get one attempt and they were trying to say I’d had it even though I’d never made it to embryo transfer. Trying to look through clinics to move everything to but it’s £300 just for a chat with a consultant and how do you know if that’s where you want to go before you’ve spoken to them? Such a minefield xx

Sorry to hear this Loz. I've had three implantation failures and my consultant advised the next step is diagnostic endometriosis surgery, which I'm having end of January (3 month waiting list!) :( Hope u get some answers soon 😘😘

Loz18s profile image

I'm sorry you've experienced it 3 times Victoria. I hope the surgery is able to give you some answers and we both get our much deserved bundles of joy soon. I also hope surgery goes ok for you too. Xx

PenguinBlue profile image

Hi there, I’m in the exact same boat as you! Unexplained and good cycles but nothing! I wrote a similar post so will check and see what others say on yours. It is frustrating but I’m hoping as I’ve only had fresh cycles that for my FET, it’ll be more successful. Hope you’re ok - bfns are extremely upsetting and frustrating and completely relate xx

Loz18s profile image
Loz18s in reply to PenguinBlue

Thank you. It's awful isn't it. To be told you're in good working order and nothings wrong is so hard to swallow when you can't have a baby. I'll check your post too. I really thought FET was going to be it with great embryo and much more medical support in terms of the drugs. I'm ok I think. I've kept myself busy but taken time to think how unfair life is ATM. But I always remind myself there are so many others out there who have it and have gone through so much worse and for that I thank my lucky stars.

Hope you are ok too. Xx

Pu217 profile image

Hi there. You may want to ask for a combination of pessaries and progesterone in oil shots. I take 2X400mg Cyclogest pessaries and shots twice a week. Got my BFP and baby growing well. You may also want to consider the ERA test as it will tell you how many days of progesterone your body needs before a FET for it to have maximum chance of success. If you have a displaced window it could make all the difference. All the best !

Loz18s profile image
Loz18s in reply to Pu217

Thank you for that information, really good to hear from someone who has had the same experience. I was expecting the oil shots as well as the pessaries this time round. When I had my nursing consent they said I'd be on cyclogest which is 400mg but instead I had the same as last time lubion 100mg X3 a day. I had thought well it makes sense if I'm on progynova so i Just asked if my progesterone levels will be checked before transfer. ERA has come up online a bit so I'm going to mention that too. Thank you for you help. So glad it worked for you. Xx

Koala365 profile image

There are tests which show up implantation issues 1) Emma and Alice test (one checks for certain bacteria the other I think for endometriosis but not 100% certain on that 2) ERA - like a dummy run frozen embryo transfer I think that checks when the optimum time to transfer a frozen embryo in your particular body is 3) Thrombotic risk profile test - shows whether you have the MTFHR gene mutation which means you need to take Methylfolate form of folic acid not just the bog standard stuff as your body isn't absorbing it properly and also means you need low dose heparin to assist implantation 4) Natural Killer Cells test - checks for high levels of natural killer cells and cytokines and if present you take steroids and have intralipid infusions during your protocol and TWW 5) hydroscopy- checks for issues in the womb lining I think. I would look into these further as I may not have described them properly and ask your clinic about them. I should have done these as soon as my first transfer failed but I left it until after my 4th fresh round as I trusted my clinic. I still wonder if I would have been in a better position if I had had this immune support for the issues my tests showed up sooner! Don't let them fob you off! All the best!

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