Dear Wonderful Community,
Seeking your thoughts and experiences! After undergoing a fresh round of IVF at age 41, I am now 10 Weeks 6 days pregnant. After one miscarriage 6 months ago, this is my first pregnancy that has got this far. Distressingly, I have had two big unexplained bleeds that are very heavy and last for about 1-2 hours. Each time there is enough blood to soak through 1 pad in the space of about 30 minutes and then it slows down. The first happened at 9w5d just as I was about to go on stage for a music performance and I had to run to A&E instead The second happened yesterday at 10w5d just as a former dear teacher from o/s was about to arrive at my house for dinner. Both kind of stressful, performative moments I guess. There's no actual pain, just a sudden and intense gush of blood, including clots.
Thankfully the scans at my Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) following these episodes shows the baby/foetus wiggling away furiously and happily. So the doctors really can't pinpoint what the cause of the bleed actually is. Though today at the scan she said she could see a small haematoma of about 2cm. My EPU doctor said that this has perhaps happenned because I came off cyclogest at 9 weeks and my body probably just needs the extra progesterone support . Anyway I went back on cyclogest after the first bleed - 400mg x twice daily. But the second bleed still happened despite being back on cyclogest pessaries
I rang my fertility clinic and asked whether I should actually increase the dose of cyclogest I am taking. While the pessaries that my fertility clinic gave ran out at 9 weeks, I got more prescribed from my EPU - who said they couldn't comment on increasing the dose as they are not a fertility unit. Anyway my ferility clinic's response was: At this stage of pregnancy there is no evidence that more than 400mg x twice daily progesterone pessaries are useful. But I know that different clinics have different protocols, so my questions are:
1. has anyone out there experienced medium/heavy bleeds of the sort that I am describing a few days after stopping cyclogest?
2. do other clinics suggest to "up" the dosage of cyclogest when this happens?
Each time this happens and I end up in A&E, it just chips away my confidence in my own body and my mental health really. I am now basically scared to leave the home incase the sudden intense gush of blood happens on the street and I start bawling... I just want it to stop. The days till the 12 week scan are dragging. I never knew time could move so slow.
A big thankyou for reading.