Hi everyone ❤️ so today has been an anxious day today. This morning I went to the loo and there was a tiny bit of really light pink when i wiped on the tissue. I am not due on until Feb 19th which is in 5 days and it is my official testing day. Throughout today now and then I have had really light brown spotting too. Not enough to need to use a pad though and it’s only there if I wipe. Sorry if it’s TMI 😂 So I have been worried I was going to come on all day today but so far fingers crossed my period has not started and it looks like it could in fact be implantation bleeding but I will have to see what the next few days bring because it is still too early. I weren’t going to do any more early tests but after the spotting today I panicked and wanted to see if I still had a line showing on a test so I did buy one and I did a test at dinner time today. It looks like my test result at dinner time shows the line has got darker since my last test so fingers crossed we are still heading in the right direction for a BFP 🤞🏻❤️ x x x
Potential Spotting/Implantation Bleed... - Fertility Network UK
Potential Spotting/Implantation Bleeding

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That's defo getting darker!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyy 🙂🙂
Congrats dearie❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations xxx
That looks positive ❤️ How are you feeling today? Xx

Hiya except for cramps that are mainly in the mornings which is weird, and slightly feeling sick only now and then I’m ok thank you ❤️ How are you and where are you on your journey?xx
Literally 1 day away from OTD I wanted to test so bad this morning but going to be patient and wait until the morning xxx 😘 I have had more symptoms than the first time - I have had cramps, headache, nausea and I had a light spotting of pink blood on Wednesday in the morning and evening but nothing more and the clinic said it’s like implantation! I just wonder if it’s the pessaries too playing havoc! Anyway nearly time to find out!

Awwwww amazing! I have everything crossed for you tomorrow then! I’m 4 days away for my OTD. It sounds really promising for you though ☺️ I’ve had the same symptoms and felt it more this time round xx
thanks so much my lovely xx I really pray for us both we get our BFP ❤️
You're heading in the right direction hun. Keep fingers and toes crossed for you. Roll on test date.
Amazing, congratulations