Unfortunately my HCG tests confirm that I'm having a MC (at 5.5 weeks) 😪
Last time I had a mc, I found out at my 7 week scan. The sac was empty and I was given misoprostol by EPU to move things along. This was the most horrendous experience of my life, I was in so much pain, having contractions, lots of blood, passing tissue, clots etc.
This time I want to let things happen naturally. I've been bleeding on and off for about a week (similar to a period). No pain.
I stopped estrogen and progesterone yesterday and was expecting the mc to happen similar to last time, however the bleeding seems to have tapered off now. Does anyone know what happens now?
Presumably there will be more bleeding and pain? Or is that it on the physical side? Not sure if it's different because it's an earlier stage, or just because I'm not taking misoprostol, or if the worst is yet to come?