Hidden cost of freezing eggs - Fertility Network UK

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Hidden cost of freezing eggs

FRLAB33 profile image
22 Replies

I'm very close to paying my invoice and starting my egg freezing journey but then it hit me ... once they're frozen and I meet someone OR dont and i need the use of donor sperm to thaw and fertilise ready for transfer...what is that cost... looking at the prices for care Leeds it's 4k a round... so for every egg I freeze, (probably not loads as I have low AMH) it would be 4k to then fertilise and transfer or more if I needed donor sperm ... is this right ??

Anyone been here and paid this money, been through this process.

I've asked the clinic for more info around those costs and they've sent me all sorts of breakdowns but not the ones I want. I've asked again!

I'm newly single at 34 after a 4 year relationship, 3 years of it TTC without success 😒 I have low AMH and worried I'll have no eggs left if I don't meet someone soon ish... my AMH was 4.1pmol when it was checked this time last year.

Do I need to freeze eggs? Would you if you were me ??

I know so many women have said they wish they had when they had the chance but at 4k + to then fertilise and transfer, I mean who can actually afford this.

Its disgusting they put this price on everything 😢😢 such a money making scheme and sickening when you're stuck not knowing what to do... spend a fortune or not and risk not having your own genetic babies one day 😭😭

I'm self funding all treatment, starting at 6.5k per round to freeze eggs, likely needing 2 rounds, possibly more, to get the 9 eggs they say will give me 75% chance of success in the future... I have worked my ass off to save enough to freeze them but what if i then cannot afford to actually fertilise the eggs when i get to a time in life that I want too.

Advice needed please, my heads back to swirling after I was so close to my decision... this is all just too much.

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FRLAB33 profile image
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22 Replies
DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi FRLAB. You need to discuss all these questions with a specialist, especially with a low AMH. Usually you nedto be under 36 too, so do your homework too. Someone here will fill you in I’m sure, but I truly wish you well. Diane

Boo718 profile image

I would agree with this. I didn’t do egg freezing but have done a number of rounds of ivf. Not all eggs defrost properly. Not all defrosted eggs will fertilise and usually less than half of this make it to blast stage for transfer. Out of these ones for transfer they may not all be chromosomally normal so there are a lot of factors. 9 seems very low xxx

CarlottaD27 profile image

Hi there,

I haven't been in the same situation but was discussing the high costs with a friend recently who is going through the egg freezing process.

She made the point that people do spend tens of thousands on things like home renovations, cars, etc, so actually spending on something as important as fertility (even though you may not need this) can be justified.

I know this doesn't change the really high costs but i suppose you could look at it as an investment in something really important in your future? And even if you don't use it, you have had mental peace of mind that the option is there. Just sharing the thoughts we had as it seemed relevant and maybe a consideration! x

FRLAB33 profile image
FRLAB33 in reply to CarlottaD27

I am freezing them for that reason but can only afford so much on my own...I've worked hard to save enough to freeze 3 rounds of eggs which works out close to 20k. After that I have nothing so just wanted to hear of people's experiences with the cost to thaw, fertilise and transfer each egg after they're frozen.

It's something I want very much and I'm happy to invest but I cannot afford it all on my own as well as running a house, bills etc alone

..its scary the amount of money they want and then they'll have all my eggs and I may not have much money to move onto the next steps.

Anyway thanks for the advice but it's not quite what I was looking for. I already have my reasons for doing this and don't need any perspective on that after the year I've just had and what I am now facing alone.

I Just wanted some info from anyone who's frozen eggs then moved onto the next steps of fertilising and transferring them and what those costs looked like.

FRLAB33 profile image

My low AMH means it's unlikely I'll get more than 3 or maybe 4 eggs per cycle...if I only get 3 I cannot afford to do that 9 times over to achieve 20 eggs. .it is what it is.

I know we can make money but I've saved so much and it's taken time plus living alone and all those costs...I cannot save quick enough for more than 2 or 3 rounds of egg freezing maximum 🙄🙄

The consultant said given my age and health I should have a 75% chance with 9 eggs...I'm holding onto that hope for now.

It's not a given but what choice do I have...I cannot afford what I cannot afford on my own.

I'm just worried about the costs to then fertilise and transfer each egg once they're frozen... but hopefully i will meet someone willing to help with that cost if they wish to have children with me...

I just wanted to know how much per egg its likely to cost to thaw, fertilise and transfer.

FRLAB33 profile image

I cannot afford more than 3 rounds and my low AMH means I will only get 3-4 eggs per cycle...nothing else I can do at this point..given I broke with my partner and had the year from hell then had to save whilst starting up a new home, alone. If only money was never ending.

Appreciate everyone's situations different and if I could store 30 eggs I'd happily but at 7k per round it's unlikely I can stretch to anymore than 3 rounds... and given I need to hurry now my AMH is low so no time to save more. I already do all I can to put money away every month...nothing else I can find.

Appreciate you sharing but I really only wanted advice from anyone at the other side of freezing eggs and who has then fertilised and transferred them so I can understand those costs.

HollyT7 profile image

so I was 35 when we did our second frozen transfer and paid for this, I think it was around £3200 including meds. Our were already fertilised then frozen.

FRLAB33 profile image
FRLAB33 in reply to HollyT7

I have been quoted £4300 to thaw, fertilise and transfer per egg...plus £250 if with a partners sperm or £1300 if donor 🙄🙄🙄

They charge so much but they know they can as we will pay it of we can and of we want children so much. Very acary how much money I could spend to achieve my dream but I'm not willing to give up on at least one little genetic me 😪😪 xx

NemoFish profile image

Have you considered freezing embryos using donor sperm? It might be a slightly higher cost upfront, but embryos have a much higher chance than eggs of surviving being thawed, and the cost of ICSI would cover a batch of eggs each time rather than just one egg later down the line?

FRLAB33 profile image
FRLAB33 in reply to NemoFish

I have but if I then do meet someone and then any eggs I have are already fertilised that could get tricky. I was told thdse days eggs /embryos thaw just ad well as each other.

Twiglet2 profile image

I haven’t frozen eggs, only embryos but my understanding is that they dont just thaw one egg they would thaw some of them (possibly all of them if you had 9) then inject them with the sperm as some may not thaw some may not fertilise then some may not make it to to blast so they would likely do it all at one time for the 4k. One to discuss with your clinic to know for sure but that was my understanding of that part of the process xx

FRLAB33 profile image
FRLAB33 in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you. I defo need to find out if its 4k + per egg or more each time... I've been sent my quotes now and it's so scary 😨

km307 profile image

As Twiglet says you wouldn’t thaw one egg at a time. You would thaw them all, fertilise with sperm (from partner or donor) and then see how many fertilise and make it to embryo. If you were to get 9 eggs, you may only get one or two embryos. You’d need to check with your clinic if the first cycle (when thawing eggs) includes a transfer, but you may only need to pay for one transfer. As others have said, freezing embryos is usually more successful, as they will survive a thaw better. I got 6 embryos from 9 eggs from my fresh cycle. Good luck whatever you choose

FRLAB33 profile image
FRLAB33 in reply to km307

Thank you. I'll ask more about this for sure.

So many questions come up all the time. I need more time to process it all. I've had 6 months to decide and investigate but then more and more comes to mind. The advice is great though, much appreciated x

I will PM you directly regarding your clinic x

LifetoCherish profile image

Just to answer on costs front; sperm is about £1500 to fertilise any eggs at the same time, whenever you have them. So you could batch collect and fertilise in one hit? Icsi gives more chance of getting eggs, can’t remember the cost for that. Transfer is about £2300 including tests needed and drugs required. Hope that answers what you need; £4k seems about right. X

LifetoCherish profile image
LifetoCherish in reply to LifetoCherish

* getting embryos, not eggs.

FRLAB33 profile image
FRLAB33 in reply to LifetoCherish

Thank you. I was quoted £4,300 without donor sperm. Just need to find out more about exactly what that covers. So much think about x

Noodle31 profile image

It's such a personal decision, and I get why people struggle with it, but it's something nobody can decide for you. It's a lot of money, and it takes quite a toll on the body (temporarily), but you have to weigh up how much it will 'cost' you in regret if you don't at least try, especially as this may be the only time you have the money and are in the right place in life to do it, especially if you have a low AMH. Some clinics do an IVF package of around £3k if your weight is decent and you're under 38-40 and the average some places will be about £4k for a couple of rounds, and yes donor sperm (if you need it in the future) could add a bit more to that price.

It's worth noting you're no longer bound by the 10 year time frame for fertilizing those eggs if you do choose to freeze them, since the law changed in 2022. So now consent would renew every 10 years. Though I also understand you probably would want to use them in the first 10 years, as most people do. Keep in mind having the cost to pay for yearly storage, too - which is usually a couple of hundred pounds.

The people saying they expect to get 30+ eggs from a single round are a bit overly optimistic - that's not the norm, and it's QUALITY that matters. People with PCOS might get 30 eggs but they won't all be viable. The 9 eggs you might get could end up resulting in 1 baby in the future. There are no guarantees, but again, you need to think of your future self here - how would you feel if you don't try? It's such a difficult position and I hate that so many of us are in it. Best of luck to you, whatever you choose.

FRLAB33 profile image
FRLAB33 in reply to Noodle31

Thank you. I really appreciate this.

It's hard to hear people advise I need more eggs frozen when I know realistically I cannot afford that amount of rounds and it could take 3 + to get even 9 eggs.. I think emotionally I'd be drained after 3 rounds and then there's all the costs to think about after that to fertilise and transfer.

It's a minefield and I just appreciate the support and kind advice.

I'll keep asking the clinic wuestions and keep investigating more...oh and keep saving of course 🙄🙄

I think I'd regret not doing one round and seeing where I get. Then if I plan more after we'll see. Fingers crossed I get some decent eggs, and a decent amount in 1-2 cycles so I feel I have some security to then enjoy life for a while...this fertility stuffs taken over the last 2 years of life. Xx

FRLAB33 profile image

What is DHEA please ?I take so many supplements already including impryl which is meant to help egg reserve. I just cannot keep up with the costs...I pay £80 a month in tablets already.

I hope to get a decent amount of eggs per cycle and being 34 means they should still be decent quality but will have to gage it after round 1.

Sweatsour profile image

Hi Frlab33,

It is a very pricey and emotionally draining journey. I have a baby girl from IVF with my partner. If I were you I will consider fertilising half of your eggs (wirha donor sperm) before freezing so you actually freeze the embrios. Remember not every egg will fertilise so by doing half half you can at least be one step closer to achieving a pregnancy in future. The other half of the eggs you can keep just in case if you meet someone in the future. I wouldn't only freeze the eggs as that's just a beginning of the road.

Beer of luck and try to stay positive.

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