Norethisterone prior to starting stim... - Fertility Network UK

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Norethisterone prior to starting stimulation meds

Orangeflowers profile image
36 Replies

Hi all,

The protocol has changed at my clinic. It wasn't discussed at my consultation but at my nurse appointment I was told everyone has to take norethisterone from cycle day 18 for 15 - 20 days (15 in my case), take a 5 day break then start stimulation meds.

I suspect that my period will arrive soon after stopping the pill, so that will mean I'll be starting stimulation on day 4 or 5 of my cycle.

Does anybody have experience of this?

The only reason for doing this seems to be to improve the clinics cycle planning for everyone. However, in my case it seems daft as I have a regular cycle and I think it makes my period start date less predictable rather than more so. Also I suspect that there are clinic bookings available for me to start more naturally. I really don't want 20 days of unnecessary medication on top of everything else. Also it means that I can't try naturally the month before. I'm thinking of trying at least to cut the days down that I take the pill to 15 days (as collection was originally planned based on a later period)

Does anybody know if there might be other benefits to taking norethisterone?? What are your experiences please??

I hope everything is going well 💜x

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Orangeflowers profile image
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36 Replies
Miracle43 profile image

Hey lovely,

I’ve taken it, it was purely to ‘plan my period’ to fall online with the clinics schedule.

I usually bleed within 3/4 days of taking the last tablet. I’ve taken it for 5 days, 10 and 15 days

Once I bleed, I call the clinic to confirm CD1 then arrange a baseline scan xx

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Miracle43

Thank you, that's helpful to know x

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Miracle43

Hello, just to check - did you stop norethisterone and start stimulation on the day your period arrived? What has been the shortest time you've had between stopping norethisterone and starting stimulation?

Miracle43 profile image
Miracle43 in reply to Orangeflowers

Hey lovely,

No, once you have I’ve had a bleed I call the clinc on day 1, they arrange a baseline between days2-5. Once I’ve had the scan usually start stims that day.

Once you stop taking Norethisterone you should have a bleed within 5 days (everyone is different) xx

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Miracle43

Thank you x

Savvy_teapot profile image

Very similar to Miracle43 my clinic did this. I didn't see it as too much of a problem. But I didn't know any different!

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Savvy_teapot

Thank you, useful to know x

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Savvy_teapot

Hello, just to check - did you stop norethisterone and start stimulation on the day your period arrived? What has been the shortest time you've had between stopping norethisterone and starting stimulation?

Habibi87 profile image

Hi Orangeflowers, I was on Norethisterone before both eggs collection and before each FET. My consultant said that it helps with resting the ovaries, but not sure how ? X

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Habibi87

Thank you, I hope so. I'm always sceptical that it's just for their clinic planning x

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Habibi87

Hello, just to check - did you stop norethisterone and start stimulation on the day your period arrived? What has been the shortest time you've had between stopping norethisterone and starting stimulation?

Habibi87 profile image
Habibi87 in reply to Orangeflowers

I took norothisterone from day 14 of the cycle preceding the stimulation cicle for about 12-14 days (depending on clinic’s instruction). Once stopped my period would come circa 3 days later (can take up to 7 days). Normally 3 days after period started I started stimulation.

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Habibi87

Thank you 😊

Pos1tivelybaby profile image

I’ve been on it too for the same reason Habibi87’s dr gave - it rests the ovaries so the follicles grow better and more evenly when stims start x

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Pos1tivelybaby

Thank you, I didn't know this. My follicles always grow ok. I'm not sure how much there should be between them though. Did yours all grow evenly, close together, but they didn't before? x

Pos1tivelybaby profile image
Pos1tivelybaby in reply to Orangeflowers

I think it did! I had ended up with 3 blastocysts, unfortunately they all tested abnormal, so we decided to move to donor eggs.

Try not to worry, there is some method in the madness x

Pos1tivelybaby profile image
Pos1tivelybaby in reply to Pos1tivelybaby

I should have added this I was almost 44 at the time.

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Pos1tivelybaby

Thank you! I've just turned 44! 3 blasts is great for that age, but I'm sorry they tested abnormal. I hope your donor egg journey's gone well? 💜x

Pos1tivelybaby profile image
Pos1tivelybaby in reply to Orangeflowers

Still on the journey. After 2 failed transfers with donor eggs, I had a repeat hysteroscopy which confirmed I have adhesions from a surgical miscarriage that is most likely getting in the way of implantation.

I have surgery scheduled for next month to remove them. No guarantees that’ll do the trick but staying positive x

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Pos1tivelybaby

Stay positive and hoping that does the trick for you x

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Pos1tivelybaby

Hello, just to check - did you stop norethisterone and start stimulation on the day your period arrived? What has been the shortest time you've had between stopping norethisterone and starting stimulation?

Pos1tivelybaby profile image
Pos1tivelybaby in reply to Orangeflowers

From memory, my period started 4-5 days after stopping Norethisterone, and I started stims on Day 2 of my period as I had a light bleed on Day 1.

I’ve only ever used that protocol once so can’t say if that’s the norm.

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Pos1tivelybaby

Thank you x

Eloquentia profile image

I had norethisterone too, my clinic explained it to me as down-regulation to optimise the number and quality of the follicles collected. It worked well for me even if it made me a bit mercurial towards the end of taking it.

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Eloquentia

Thank you. Did it seem to improve quality for yo? x

Eloquentia profile image
Eloquentia in reply to Orangeflowers

It is really hard to say because there were so many other factors in play - dietary and lifestyle changes, stimulation drugs, food supplements etc. We did get a good number of mature eggs and a good number of embryos. I hope it works well for you!

Solly-44 profile image

I’ve only ever taken this to induce a period because mine are so irregular I could be waiting 3 months to start meds otherwise. I completely agree with you though, if you’re really regular this would seem to make your start date even less certain than if you didn’t use it? My bleed can start anywhere from 2-7 days after stopping so it’s not an exact science by any means. I will also say that it makes me feel horrendous, I just cannot regulate my emotions on it so refused on our last cycle and we just committed to waiting as long as it took. I got pregnant for the first time (without ivf) in my life during that wait so also understand your frustration about not being able to try naturally xx

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Solly-44

Thank you for sharing your experience. This is good to know. I hope you're journey is going well x

Lily_82 profile image

Hi Orangeflowers,

I have used norethisterone only in my recent 4th cycle, on my profile you can see last post where was questioning drugs used. I found out about the need to use it only when treatment plan was sent.

I was not aware that it downregulates your body and ovaries might not wake up for a collection. I am not sure if that was only norethisterone effect and everyone’s body react differently but think it’s worth knowing. Anyway good luck xx

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Lily_82

Good to know. Thank you! x

Effie1988 profile image

hi. My clinic also changed the protocol so you have to take norethisterone but I insisted I didn’t want it as I’d never had a problem with cysts and have regular cycles. (The first time I just told them I’d had sex so couldn’t take it, the second time I insisted I didn’t want it). Can you insist you don’t want it?

Best of luck

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Effie1988

Thank you. I should get better at questioning things. I asked 2 different nurses and they basically told me it was compulsory. Ridiculous when I'm paying so much x

Effie1988 profile image
Effie1988 in reply to Orangeflowers

Can you ask your consultant, rather than a nurse, as they are responsible for your treatment plan? x

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Effie1988

It was one of the consultants who changed the plan universally for everyone. At my clinic I don't get access to consultants unless I pay a couple of hundred for another consultation unfortunately. Annoyed that they didn't mention it in the first place to be honest.

Sophia_Mama profile image

Hello, I just wanted to say that the same thing happened to me - I didn’t know about taking the norethisterone until I had my meds appointment with the nurse. I remember clearly asking my consultant if I was having short protocol like with my NHS cycle and she said yes.

My husband and I felt really upset that we were getting this information at the last minute as we had delayed our egg collection so that I could get the dEFT test at the Implantation clinic at Warwick and Coventry hospital the cycle before I have the egg collection. However, now that I’m taking norethisterone, I can’t have that biopsy so the delay was for nothing!

Plus, the nurse said I had to start taking the norethisterone on CD14 and my appointment was CD12 (Friday just gone) and I hadn’t ordered any tablets. I think it’s odd that no-one emailed to tell me I needed to order them soon. Luckily, I had some norethisterone left over from when I did the EMMA/ALICE/NK Cell biopsy but I hate feeling out of control and disorganised.

The nurse told me similar to above, that it rests the ovaries so that you don’t ovulate, which should result in more follicles. I’m worried though as last time I had the short protocol and I managed to get 18 eggs and 5 embryos, which I was really happy with. 3 of those have failed, but I don’t think it’s simply down to embryo quality- I have high NK Cells and have had a baby (she very tragically passed away at full term) so I think my previous pregnancy has triggered an immune response and / or impacted my uterus in some way. I fell pregnant spontaneously with Sophia on the 4th month of trying and haven’t had a positive pregnancy test since. We’ve been trying again for 2 and a half years.

This is such a tough journey that you question everything! I’m going with the norethisterone as I feel desperate and will try anything but you might want to discuss it with your consultant and find out the rationale behind taking them xx

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Sophia_Mama

Thank you. I'm sorry to hear your loss. I hope it works out for you. It sounds like you've had a poor time with your clinic. If your based in Yorkshire it might be the same as mine!x

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