Polyp in Uterus during stems & freezi... - Fertility Network UK

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Polyp in Uterus during stems & freezing embryos

Ladybird_36 profile image
3 Replies

Hello everyone, we got to day 8 of stims and found ourselves at a cross road in our fertility journey.

Our ultrasound today showed a polyp that the team would like to remove before insemination.

The other problem we're facing is that my endometriosis has made the left ovary inaccessible but the follicles in this ovary have been responding really well to stims, whereas the right follicles are not responding at all. We’ve been recommended to freeze any embryos (if they manage to remove any from either ovaries) and the have surgery + pathology before the possible insemnation date is scheduled.

I was just wondering if anyone has had to do this? It’s been a bit of a shock to my system, but I’m trying to be positive that we found this out now. Sending lots of love and prayers to you all on this rollercoaster of a ride! 🌻

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3 Replies
Fruitandflowers profile image

Others will hopefully be able to advise you on polyp removal but I was told on my FET that I had a polyp and that it would mean chances of implantation were very unlikely so to stop and have surgery etc. However, on pushing a bit it turned out they weren't sure that's what it was and going a bit further with treatment it was actually just uneven lining that resolved itself. So hopefully your doctors are more certain but just in case. I've also just had a very difficult collection with one inaccessible ovary and disappointingly we only got one egg from that *but* I'm now 6 weeks with that one and desperately hoping everything's ok on first scan. If not, I've been told that because of the difficulties I'd need to have any further collections under heavy sedation or even general anaesthetic as they may need to go via the stomach - tbh I would much prefer that but I think it limits where you can have the procedure done and the cost. On freeze all, I have my LG from my FET and the process is much easier and gentler - it's disappointing when you're all geared up but it gives your body time to recover (especially if the collection's been difficult) and there's evidence there a little more successful than fresh transfers. Best of luck whatever route you end up going ☘️

JA-fnuk profile image
JA-fnukPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Best to get the polyp removed before continuing as this may increase chances for successful implantation. Hope egg retrieval goes smoothly- speak to your consultant about your concerns about them being able to access them

Thinking of you


Jay0 profile image

Hi, I had a polyp which they spotted on my last scan before collection so had a freeze all. Scheduled hysteroscopy the following month and they couldn’t find anything. Had a natural FET which unfortunately didn’t work, although think I should’ve been on modified FET with progesterone due to typically short cycles. Next prep for medicated FET, scans still showed there could be a polyp and they gave me the choice of having a second hysteroscopy which I decided to have - I was given suprecur to help thin out the lining and identify the polyp. The suprecur had also reduced the size of the polyp but they were at least able to find and remove it. I don’t always take well to suprecur so my final go ahead for FET was just estrodial and then progesterone and it worked. I hope all goes well with you even though it extends things before transfer, and definitely good you know at this stage.

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