I had a scan at 6 weeks and saw a tiny little heartbeat and I have my 9 week scan on Tuesday, I am more scared about this one than the 6 week one.
So scared by lack of symptoms - Fertility Network UK
So scared by lack of symptoms
Hi, I just wanted to say that you're not alone. I also have had 2 early scans and saw the heartbeat but I have another scan on Tuesday and I am so nervous. It's weird isn't it, you would think it would get easier.
I have just been reminding myself, just because things can go wrong, it doesn't mean that it will. Today we are pregnant and we just need to hold on to that. It's likely that things will go our way ❤️.
I really hope that Tuesday goes well for you xx
it is such a worrying time, but try and stay positive. I had absolutely no symptoms either - while some people think that’s lucky, when you’ve had issues it just adds to the worries. Hopefully all goes well and then once you can start to feel the baby moving and kicking, it dies help reduce the anxiety xx