Prednisolone - so scared of taking st... - Fertility Network UK

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Prednisolone - so scared of taking steroids

Kaylon profile image
24 Replies

Hi lovely ladies, I've just had a scan today to check my lining for a frozen embryo transfer next week. After a few failed cycles (no implantation) the doctor has prescribed steroids (20mg of prednisolone) and a blood thinner tinzaparin. We were pushing the doctors to give us more stuff but I've since done some research on steroids that has really scared me. Apparently they cause birth defects (cleft palate) and increase the risk of miscarriage. They also seem to have some pretty horrendous side effects. Are they definitely a good idea? Has anyone found they made all the difference and they wouldn't be pregnant without them? Thanks so much x

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Kaylon profile image
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24 Replies
Caroliono4 profile image

Hi Kaylon

I've taken both Tinzaparin and Prednisolone on the advice of the recurrent miscarriage clinic and haven't experienced any side effects. The main thing they advise is not to stop taking the steroids suddenly as it can cause nausea etc. However this cycle I didn't really taper down afterwards and didn't experience any symptoms.

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to Caroliono4

Thank you for your advice Caroliono. I'll keep that in mind when I come off them. Much love to you x

Caroliono4 profile image
Caroliono4 in reply to Kaylon

Good luck with it all. Tbh they were a breeze compared to the evil progesterone 🙁

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to Caroliono4

Thank you. We're doing the progesterone injections in the bum! Fun!

TeenyTiny profile image

Hey hunni. I’ve taken prednisone my last two rounds because I have high antibodies. I was on 20mgs a day. I felt they gave me more energy while on them. However always around wk 4 I would see my face start to bloat with fluid. I seemed to notice more than anyone else. However I was never on them longer than 5 wks cos on both transfer I got a bfn,so would be tapered off. I had no other side effects apart from missed the extra energy when I came off.The risks of cleft lip is quite low from what I read so it wasn’t a massive concern to me. I think personally the good outways the bad in my case. They definitely lowered my antibodies from 1711 to 230 !!

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to TeenyTiny

Thanks TeenyTiny, first of all sorry for your BFNs. That's nice they give you more energy though not so nice about the bloating. Slightly worried my clinic hasn't done any tests on me before prescribing them. I have no idea if I have high antibodies.. Baby dust to you xxx

TeenyTiny profile image
TeenyTiny in reply to Kaylon

Hmmm, that’s interesting alright. Maybe you need to ask them why they are putting you on them. Get them to test your antibodies and NK cells. As they say that NK cells can prevent implantation. Sending you baby dust too ❤️

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to TeenyTiny

That's the issue I have with our clinic. They don't really explain things properly but worst of all they don't monitor or test... makes me doubt what they say and question their advice :(

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Kaylon

Hey kaylon

there's very few places in UK that actually test for NK cells so most clinics can't /dont. Plus many dont believe in it anyway.

Other main autoimmune issues that women suffer from are lupus anticoagulant antibodies and thyroid peroxidase antibodies

Have you had your thyroid tested? This is another cause of recurrent miscarriage and failed implantation that needs thyroid hormone replacement meds if your TSH blood test is above 2.5. Many women have thyroid antibodies too and hence need steroids during ivf

Generally there can be any number of autoimmine issues that can affect us and may not be possible or realistic to try test everything so often they will put you on steroids to rule out that issue as the treatment is the same across them all.

However thyroid does need testing as you need sep meds for that. Your GP can arrange thyroid tests

As for side effects from steroids - if you do have an autoimmune issue as teeny tiny mentioned above you often feel a lot better on steroids because it dampens the immune system. I also felt far more energetic on them.

No side effects otherwise apart from.increasing my blood sugars - but it turns out my sugar levels have been high for a while anyway.

Many women are put on steroids and blood thinner after failed cycles witj no problems and it has made all the difference.

We finally got our bfp with this new protocol on our last cycle.

Good luck to you x

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to Saya85

Thanks Saya and congratulations! That is really helpful. Didn't have my thyroid checked specifically just a general blood test a couple of years ago. Best of luck to you x

Kari55 profile image

Hi Kaylon, my clinic are checking my sugar level and liver function before prescribing it. I have no allergies or other autoimmune disorders but have failed 2 cycles. I will be on 10mg. I hope more ladies respond to you but if you want to check my previous posts, I have asked a similar question a while ago. X

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to Kari55

Thanks Kari, had a look at your post. Looks like most women don't experience side effects and for some it seems like the missing link in getting that BFP. Sending you baby dust xxx

mimisquiz77 profile image

Hi, I have been on prednisolone for the last 14 weeks (25mg a day). The only symptoms i have experienced is a lack of sleep (for a few hours at night) but I wasn’t tired the next day. Maybe i was lucky. i would recommend you take it with food in the morning. Otherwise it can gives you palpitations. Then, towards the end you must reduce your intake gradually otherwise you will have a strong risk of experiencing side effects. Your clinic should give you guidance about this. Like you I was petrified of taking these tablets. I am now 15 weeks pregnant. My midwife and obstetrician seem not really concerned about it. I hope you will get your BFP too. Good luck with your treatment. 🤞🤞🤞🤞Take care 💖

Caroliono4 profile image
Caroliono4 in reply to mimisquiz77

That's a good point. I was told to take mine in the morning to prevent the insomnia.

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to mimisquiz77

Thanks mimisquiz and congratulations! I'll bear that in mind regarding the food and take it with breakfast in the morning. Best of luck to you x

Midge8 profile image

Hi Kaylon, I was interested in your post because I think we’re having side effects from the steroids in our 2ww but I’ve had muscle soreness and really bad cramps - woken me up from being fast asleep. Having said that I’m not sleeping brilliantly and having horrible sweats and getting up to the loo. I don’t massively feel the energy boost. I have higher levels of NK cells so I’m on 20mg. Sorry I know it’s not a more positive response. Hope you get on ok xx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Midge8

Hi midge

Sorry to jump in here but i was going to say the muscle stiffness and cramps is more likely a magnesium deficiency - most of us have it and gets worse in pregnancy. Restless legs syndrome is common too.

Try getting a magnesium oil spray to rub on your legs before bed. It will also help with insomnia too. I use the 'better you' brand and it works instantly (safe to use in pregnancy too as its just a mineral spray)

Steroids usually reduce inflammation so dont often cause general muscle pain

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to Midge8

Thanks midge. I got the sweats and trips to the loo at night from the suprecur already.. I do take magnesium daily anyway. Hopefully that'll help you get rid of those cramps. Sounds awful. Best of luck x

Hi Kaylon.

I was prescribed prednisone ( my NK cells are slightly raised) & my fertility doctor agreed I could take them following a positive pregnancy test till I was 12 weeks pregnant.

I swear by taking them earlier they helped keep my baby safer 😍( a year before that I had a chemical pregnancy & only started taking them a few days afterwards took a while to get dr to prescribe etc by which time I already started to miscarry ) I have had the 20 week scan & showed all her organs & everything as completely normal. so no birth detects from them 🙂 hope that can resssure you a bit?

I had no ill side effects from them either ( made sure you take them after breakfast as they can cause insomnia if taken late)

Ultimately you must do what feels right for you & I wish you the very best xoxo

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to

Oh jess that is such an uplifting response. Thank you so much and huge congratulations to you! We're pretty much in the exact same position. Fingers crossed then that the steroids will help. Best of luck to you x

JessJ25 profile image

Hi, i had 2 transfers one fresh one frozen, both times failed i then went on the steriods and blood thinners for the third transfer, which has worked im now 32 weeks pregnant baby is fine didnt have any different side effects different to the previous cycles, i took 4 every morning, i think the steriods made the difference and help little one stay put! Hope this helps x

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to JessJ25

Thank you so much jf25cj. You've given me hope! We're in the exact same situation and I'm feeling so much better about taking them after hearing your success stories. Huge congratulations to you!! Enjoy the last 8 weeks and best of luck x

lianm8 profile image

I had two failed transfers and then was put on prednisalone and clexane and fell pregnant my little girl is now nearly 2- had another transfer again used prednisalone and clexane and I have another little girl who is 3 months! I don’t think I would have gotten pregnant without them and both my little girls are fine xxx

Kaylon profile image
Kaylon in reply to lianm8

Wow that's so amazing. Huge congratulations on your 2 little miracles. I feel so much better and a tiny bit hopeful. Thanks so much lianm8. X

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