Going out of my mind, anxious every morning. Complete lack of symptoms like last time. No cm, completely dry, no sore (.) (.), no cramps. Literally nothing. I don't understand why good embryos keep failing. I even had Endo scratch this time. It feels like torture having to wait two whole weeks just to confirm what I already know. X
2dp5dt... Complete lack of symptoms - Fertility Network UK
2dp5dt... Complete lack of symptoms
It’s only been 2 days the embryo might still be getting all comfy. Don’t be to hard on yourself it’s a hard journey. Just try and relax very early days yet xxxx
Thank you. I just know its failed again and I don't know what to do. Im dying to ring my clinic to scan me to check if it's still there/developping but I know they'll refuse.
It’s awful nothing anyone can say can make you feel better xxxx when did you have transfer
I know the 2ww is really difficult, I'm 8 days into it and is my 5th transfer,try not to worry some people have no symptoms at all and go on to a positive result, on my 3rd transfer I was convinced it was a positive due to all my symptoms but sadly not, it was more than likely the meds so it's hard to say either way. It can take a few days to implant so hopefully it's getting nice and cosy,try not to worry and I wish you all the best xx
2ww is horrific. I'm off work this time too which is not sure was a good move with hindsight. I wish there was some way we could all know now. Are you feeling anything on your current transfer? X
I know it's so hard, personally I prefer to be away from work because I have a stressful job and I want to try and remain as calm as possible but it can mean that you don't have anything to distract you, I have just been visiting friends and family but today going to have a pj and film day. I have had cramping but just the last couple of days really and i have had some pinkish bleeding this morning which could either be implantation bleed, irritation from the pessaries and I'm praying it's not my period about to start but only time will tell. The whole journey is so difficult, stay strong ❤ xx
I’m 5dp2dt and also feel nothing .. apart from this crampy pain in my right side which i think might be a kidney infection brewing 😔 i wish i had some other symptoms too, but everyones different - not everyone has symptoms. Hang on in there! xxx