This is our first round of IVF and we are already learning so much. The first thing is how absolutely amazing this community is, we have so much admiration for the resilience and strength of everyone going through fertility treatments.
It’s been a rollercoaster. Stimulation went well and we collected 7 eggs last week, 5 of these fertilised normally and were all doing well at day 3. Transfer went ahead on day 5 but we were disappointed that it was a low grade blastocyst and that the other 4’s progression had slowed. On day 6 we found out that there were none suitable for freezing.
This was such a blow. I’m so pleased we were able to transfer but it is so hard to hold on to hope knowing that the other embryos didn’t develop and so this one might not either.
How do you manage these highs and lows?
How do you cope with update phone calls during working hours?
What advice would you offer to someone at the beginning of their IVF journey?