The last time I posted I felt pretty dam hopeless and I want to thank those that helped to pick me back up again and give me sound advice. I am currently taking 6 weeks off between jobs and using the time to focus on me. So many of you encouraged me to look into Accupuncture and I've now signed up and have my first session tomorrow morning. Thank you, it's worth giving it a go.
Yesterday was a big day for my husband and I, we had our follow up appt with the NHS to discuss why our first attempt didn't work and by coincidence yesterday was my day 2, and I started my GonalF 300iu injections for our second round of IVF this time privately.
I wanted to share with you my thoughts from my NHS consultation as I left there feeling well informed. I think this forum has helped to educate me and has allowed me to fill in some of the blanks and learn from you all. We went through the journey step by step and discussed my results from FSH and AMH tests right at the beginning all the way through to the BFN result and the end. It was a very useful chat and confirmed what I kinda already knew but I could also ask the challenging questions about different drugs, levels, recommended things to eat, drink, etc. It's only from this forum have I gathered a deeper understanding of the process and the treatment and although it didn't work the first time around I left feeling informed and hopeful. They gave me costs of going privately with them, and surprisingly it's not vastly different from my private clinic.
So we go into our second round, less frightened, more informed and educated and more hopeful. If al goes to plan I'll be in for egg collection Friday 15th or Sat 16th.
They say this process is full of highs and lows and they are not wrong! One day you can be so down and the next more hopeful and positive.
Sending you all luck and love on your journeys and thank you for your support.