We have had 3 FET transfers in total, the first didn't implant but the 2nd 2 both did. All 3 embryos were 4AAs. I got to exactly the same gestation of 5+5 and 5+4 and both times experienced a bleed. Had a scan both times the first was an internal scan which showed the sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole and resulted in a complete miscarriage. The 2nd scan I had a private external scan after the first bleed this showed a sac but we couldn't see a contents within, I don't know if this was due to it being an external scan as the sonographer struggled to locate the sac or if it was just truly empty. By the time I had a repeat internal scan at the hospital I had had a further bleed and the sac was gone so I will never truly know.
Bit of background. I am acting as a surrogate, I have 3 girls of my own, I have experienced my own miscarriages too. Does anyone know if you can reject an embryo that's not yours? This is my worry that no matter how many transfers we have I will never be able to carry for this couple. I have also been concerned that maybe I can't carry boys? Can this actually be a thing? I've read top quality embryos like the ones we transferred have a 72% chance of being boys so that's always been on my mind. And thirdly my couple never had their embryos tested but they have been told if they thaw them and test them and refreeze them it drops the success rate down from 50% to 20%. They have 5 embryos left and they've been very certain they want to try again, but this is having a huge impact on my life, my employer is not supportive, I am trying to manage my own children and also I've found it a very stressful experience more than I thought I would, it brings back a lot of memories of my own losses too. I'm hesitant to try again without really knowing why this is happening.