hi everyone
I've been hovering in the background for sometime, but was just after so feed back if anyone been through the same,
I think I'm potentially going through a miscarriage,
I had a successful transfer in 2018 my son is now 5,
as we had 3 Frosties we thought we would try for a sibling.
we had a failed fet last October and then got a positive on 6th feb from my 2nd fet week later I had brown spotting and a tiny bit of pink blood when wiping, clinic said it's normal not to worry unless heavy bleed and fill a pad with in an hour. Few day on from that i had more brown blood, and period cramps,
Got to my 7 week viability scan on 23/02 to find a pregnancy sac nothing else, they referred me to epu , that evening after the scan I had brown blood and also more on the applicator from pessaries. And to continue with medication until epu scan! So had to buy more
Lucky epu got me in Saturday morning they found single gestation sac containing the yolk sac but again no fetal pole, they say it doesn't look hopeful but they can't treat it as a miscarriage as I've not heavly bled and it also hadn't been a week since my viability scan,
So I've got to have another scan this Friday all whilst carrying on taking all of my medications,
My head is a complete mess, they said as my dates are so accurate they should have seen something but have to rescan just incase.
I'm 99% sure it's over as after the 2nd brown bleed I lost my symptoms was only sore boobs and constantly weeing, but literally have nothing at all.
After scan on Friday if still nothing there then I'm being sent up to the doctor to discuss further options, unless the miscarriage happens before then I guess,
constantly knicker watching and dreading going to the toilet incase the worst happens,
it's such a horrible place to be in and the fact I've got to carry on with my meds I just wish I knew either way now not having to wait even longer.
Just wondering if anyone else been through this if so what was the outcome ,
I'm meant to be 7 + 4,
thanks for reading