Hello lovelies, I've just started Buserelin injections and am finding my emotions are really heightened, despite it only being the first week. Is this normal? I'm also very sleepy and having hot flushes, but thankfully other than that no major side effects. Just a bit of a teary mess at the minute.
Started my 1st Cycle - Buserelin Inje... - Fertility Network UK
Started my 1st Cycle - Buserelin Injections

hello, yes totally normal unfortunately. I find buserlin makes me super low and anxious. Wishing you all the best for this cycle x

While your on treatment + the stress levels I'm afraid it can make you feel a bit all over the place! Be kind to yourself and make sure you have some" me time" to chill out
Take care
Thank you so much Janet! I definitely need to schedule in more ‘me’ time and do fun stuff. I guess it’s cause you can never be prepared for the emotional rollercoaster. Hope you take care too!
I found buserelin to be the devil’s drug. The process for me was always at its worst when I was on the buserelin only. Once other drugs were added in I started to feel better again. My best advice to you is to try to stay well rested. Everything is easier to cope with if you have more sleep! Good luck xx
I am with you, it feels like the devil's drug after only a few days and I have 3 weeks of this to go! Thank you for letting me know that you start to feel better again after other drugs are added, I am counting down. I'm going to try harder to rest too, thank you! xx
I really found buserelin tough. It actually gave me insomnia which is the worst thing as little sleep makes everything even worse. I only took it for 2.5 weeks but was extremely glad to get rid of it. It also made me angry as well as just a bit up and down.
As horrible as it sounds I'm so glad it's not in 'my head' and so many of you have felt the same way. I struggled with sleep last night, but I had an extra big nap earlier on in the day so I'm going to blame that 😅 at the moment. I'm definitely feeling up and down too.
I can totally relate to the buseril induced anger! A few weeks ago when I was on I had a day where I said out loud “oh f*** off!” every time a work email pinged through and remember thinking “hmm that’s not a normal reaction”!!! I also went on a rage-fuelled spending spree 🙈 Thankfully a few weeks on and no longer on buserlin and I can already look back and laugh x
😂 it really wasn’t great and the weird part is that I felt extreme rage I could kill someone and then totally fine a minute later. My husband was definitely tip toeing around me for those two and half weeks. He kindly said he knew it was the drugs as I’m not normally like this so put up with my rage swings (often directed at him too).
Hello, I HATED buserelin, the nurses at my clinic called it 'witches brew', the good news is as soon as you are off it you go relatively back to normal. I found drinking lots of water helped, heaps of luck with your round x
Hello, oh my goodness the 'witches brew' seems quite apt after reading everyone's replies on here. Thank you for the advice and luck, I'm definitely going to up take the water. x