should I try iui?: really need some... - Fertility Network UK

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should I try iui?

katymcg profile image
20 Replies

really need some advice... I have low amh, varying fsh. sometimes totally normal and had one high test. I have hyperthyroidism which makes things more complex. IVF did not work for us, I don't respond to the medication. But I do respond to clomid. every time I've had clomid I have had 2 good sized follicles and I have ovulated. But my husbands sperm morphology is on the lower end. everything else is OK. my lining is always good, not had issues with my uterus in any scans. periods are short at 21 days but regular. So do we try IUI? I'm currently on the waiting list for donor eggs. But my mind keeps going back to the fact I do have follicles every time and maybe it's the sperm. Help please! I don't want to spend another grand if it's just a waste . thanks so.

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katymcg profile image
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20 Replies
DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Katymcg. IUI might be worth a try, because his semen will be washed and sorted and sorted so the best swimmers will be used. Coupled with your Clomid induced ovulation, it sounds good to me. Fingers crossed if you do decide. Good luck! Diane

katymcg profile image
katymcg in reply to DianeArnold

thanks so much for your reply. I just wanted someone else to look at it and see if it's the right thing to do.x thank you

soccerkt6 profile image

Hi lovely

Has your husband had additional sperm tests (like DNA fragmentation) done beyond just the standard semen analysis? The low morphology can sometimes point to other underlying issues with the sperm, so I’d recommend investigating that avenue fully before any IUI treatment xx

katymcg profile image
katymcg in reply to soccerkt6

hello! that's a really good idea, thanks so much I'll do xx that

soccerkt6 profile image
soccerkt6 in reply to katymcg

No problem. :) Also, I just re-read your original post and noticed that you said your cycles are only 21 days. Do you ovulate around day 7 and then have a normal (~12-14 day) luteal phase? If you ovulate later and then have a shorter luteal phase then progesterone might also be an issue. Not sure if they prescribe progesterone during IUI cycles but maybe something to discuss with your clinic xx

katymcg profile image
katymcg in reply to soccerkt6

sorry yes I should of said, so I ovulate on day 14 , short luteral phase. I had progesterone for my ivf rounds, so I'll definitely ask. thanks a lot xx

soccerkt6 profile image
soccerkt6 in reply to katymcg

Good luck! xx

Twiglet2 profile image

It does sound like medicated IUI might well be worth a go as they would control your cycle and place the sperm where it needs to be. A lot cheaper than another round of IVF too and if you are on a wait list anyway I dont think there’s anything to lose by trying even just to scratch your curiosity itch before donor eggs so you goninto that with no ‘what ifs’. Good luck xx

katymcg profile image

hi! thank you! I think your right, I feel like it's worth a try and like you said, I just want to feel like I've tried everything. thank you xx

K8dferXdder profile image

hi, dna fragmentation is good idea, but also has your partner been checked for varicoceles? Ultrasound will be best to see this. Also have you done the additional tests for Thrombophilia, NK cells etc? Might be worth while waiting. Good luck!

katymcg profile image

hi! he has suffered with episidomits in the past, which Is what they think it is. he has another semen analysis next week. I have had all the tests done, all been clear. its my thyroid that weeks havoc on my hormone levels . thank you

CyclingAddict profile image


I think it's definitely a good idea to explore IUI and perhaps get some additional analysis done on his semen to see if there's problems with the DNA . I'm in a similar position myself, we are considering going down the sperm donor route, but I want to feel like I've explored every avenue before doing that.

Good luck!

katymcg profile image
katymcg in reply to CyclingAddict

hi! thank you for your reply. its so difficult making the decision isn't it. and wanting to feel like you've tried every avenue . Good luck 2 u 2 xx

Marisa32 profile image

IUI is a good option for low AMH but it does require good sperm. The clinic should be able to ascertain if your partner's sperm is good enough for that. 21 day cycle seems a bit short, so there also maybe an issue there. Not sure of your clinic investigated that. Other option is IVF using just clomid and do embryo banking with few cycles back to back. I had an extremely low AMH and never produced more than 1 follicle regardless of what I was on...high stims or clomid. Eventually, I got pregnant using an at home IUI device but I was told by my doctor that my husband's sperm was good enough for trying naturally. Also, I had a baby previously, so they knew I could get pregnant. Good luck! Don't give up hope.

katymcg profile image
katymcg in reply to Marisa32

hi! thank you for your reply! yes it is short, it's basically because of my hyperthyroidism, which they can't treat because I can't take the medication if I want to have a baby. but when I take clomid it extends to 30 days each time . thank you, I will defiantly find that out. he has another test last week. when we had ivf they said it was good and we didn't need ici. But on some tests the morphology has been on the lower end. He has stopped drinking for 3 months, so they said that will help. we will see!!! wow that is amazing!!! I have never heard that and with low amh. thank you so much, you give me hope ❤️ xx

Marisa32 profile image
Marisa32 in reply to katymcg

Yeah, definitely do not write yourself off because of low AMH. It may take more cycles to find a good egg but we still have them low AMH or not. I was 42 when I got pregnant the second time and 38 with the first. In both cases, AMH was low but the second time around pretty much non-existent. I have Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism, so have to take the meds for that. Never knew that Hyperthyroidism requires meds that interfere with pregnancy. I found a forum long ago online with tons of women like us who made it happen with IUI or ttc naturally after failed IVFs. That's why I kept trying.

katymcg profile image
katymcg in reply to Marisa32

thank you! I just find everyone so negative about low amh. I've been told by everywhere to just move to donor eggs. But I don't understand Cos I do have some, not tones, but it only takes one. thanks so much for that, really gives me hope. Yes unfortunately it's not compatible with pregnancy. really dreadful side effects. So I have a blood test every 4 weeks and hope it's not getting worse. oh do you! do you manage with thyroxine? no one through any of my appointments have suggested iui ever . it's great to know its a option xx

Marisa32 profile image

I was told the same thing by 3 IVF go for donor eggs because of low AMH. Low AMH only means we won't respond to stims and won't produce multiple follicles per cycle; however, if all else is in working order, we do produce at least one follicle each cycle and just have to keep trying to catch a healthy egg in it. Apparently after 40, only 1 out of 12 eggs is viable, so there lies the challenge. How do you collect 12 eggs to find one good one. 🤷‍♀️ I was getting ready to do donor egg transfer but after finding the forum, I also kept trying IUIs or naturally just in case. My first IUI ended in blighted ovum, which freaked me out but 2 cycles later, the egg was good and I got pregnant right before going for the donor egg embie transfer. It was literally crazy timing. I kept thinking, if my good egg took one more cycle to come, I would never get to have my daughter. That said, I gave myself a deadline for my own sanity that if my eggs didn't come through by the time I was 43, donor eggs was the way to go. I just didn't want to wait longer because I wanted the second baby to be closer in age to my first.

katymcg profile image
katymcg in reply to Marisa32

yes your so right. I've never thought of it like that. that everyone has 1 follicle each month. They have such a debate on quality and low amh as well. I read such conflicting information on it. thank you so much, youve really given Me some hope 🥰

Marisa32 profile image

Oh and I take Synthroid for my thyroid.

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