So today I’m 14dp2dt of 2 ICSI embryos. DH and I will be off to get the first blood test in an hour or two (I’ll have another in 2 days if it’s positive) and surprisingly I have managed to resist (aka ask DH to hide) HPTs for the entire wait.
Symptom spotting has driven me mad and progesterone has played havoc with my body.
Looking back at my calendar over the last few months, for it all to culminate today is humbling. My body has been through so much, so many medications, injections, restrictions, operations and procedures. Whatever it has done at this point I will not be angry with it, it owes me nothing.
If the result is negative I am looking forward for a weekend away with my DH drinking some excellent wine and eating hot cheese and crusty baguette. I will have some decent caffeinated coffee and I’m going to enjoy this Christmas build up even though it means waiting until next year for a FET.
Thank you all for your support over the last few weeks (particularly Jam Master ♥️) it’s out of my hands now 🎈