Hi everyone!!
So I don't know if this is just me but I'm having a peed off day today...my temper is about as short as a grain of pudding rice!
I'm due to start DR for our first fet on sat which coincides with the 1st day of my hols (grr!) Not sure if thats the reason for my p*ssed-offishness or just that I'm generally feeling put out that I'm having to go through this stupid process all over again!..but I certainly can't blame the hormones yet.
My mood started last night when my poor dh had the audacity to say he was looking forward to our holiday...I just suddenly, out of nowhere gave him a right mouthful about how it was ok for him but I'm going to spend it feeling like poo. I hadn't even been consciously thinking this myself so I don't know where it came from, but this moody has most certainly carried over to today.
I actually feel like having a tantrum, and stamping my feet "why won't it work!!!!!" I want to shout around the office. "Why can't I just have a bl**dy baby, like bl**dy normal people" waaah!!!!
The last couple of weeks I've been feeling pretty sad (and jealous of anyone on earth who has ever been pregnant- not a pretty emotion) but cheered up somewhat over the weekend, only to feel the sadness be replaced by this bubbling rage instead.
Has anyone felt like this just before starting treatment? It would be nice to know I'm not going mad!
β€πβ€ to you all!