Hi everyone… I have posted this question already however I feel like I have not explained it well. I have done a fresh day 3 transfer and have been told to test my urine after 14 days but no blood test has been booked by my nhs clinic. I keep reading that after a fresh transfer your hcg level might still be high because of all medication you have been taking for the past month therefore a blood test is more accurate to detect early pregnancy. Any advice? ☺️
Testing after fresh egg transfer - Fertility Network UK
Testing after fresh egg transfer

14 days is sufficient that's why they gave you that day lovely, my clinic don't do bloods either. Always had my bfps from pregnancy tests and even my early bfps. All the best 🤞🏼
Hi there, on fresh rounds my clinic test date is just 10 days following a day 5 transfer so that's equivalent to 12 days past a day 3 transfer. As Holly, above also confirmed 14 days past transfer is more than long enough to make sure any hcg trigger shots would be out your system and the reading on test date will be accurate. Good luck! Xx
My clinic don't do blood tests either they say that a urine test 14 days after transfer is just as reliable as a blood test as the trigger shot will be well out of your system by then. So if you get a BFP on day 14 it will be correct. Good luck
The NHS think the home pregnancy tests are completely reliable so that’s why they suggest only that is required.After 14 days any HCG in your system from the drugs should have disappeared which is another reason not to test early - as it should pick up the real thing