my ovarian cyst has filled up again this is the third one I have had last 2 aspirated already, I was suppose to have my gonal f injections today but because the cyst is back I can't ... Feeling very little low I don't think I'm ever going to have a baby,and I don't even no if I should continue with it xxxxxxx
ovarian cyst is back again :( - Fertility Network UK
ovarian cyst is back again :(

I’m so sorry that must be so demoralising. It probably doesn’t help now but my best friend had to have her cysts operated on (keyhole) between each round and whilst it took her a number of tries she now has two children - don’t give up your time will come. Hugs xx

Thank you so much for telling me that, it has made me feel a little better thank you xxx
I can’t remember exactly what happened but I had one and they gave me an injection to try and get rid first if I remember rightly, then had it aspirated and it refilled, however because it wasn’t producing a hormone and I had a good amount of follicles they still proceeded with stims! Fingers crossed it works out for you!
Thank you mai94 , this is the 3rd one and its just refilling it's even bigger this time, my last 2 that wer aspirated are okay this one is now on my right side and it's so big my gonal f injections I couldn't get I just had such a bad day yesterday with seeing the cyst on the scan and knowing I can't do my injections this month again I am getting older I no my fertility is going to decline because of my age ... I also have pcos which I only found out around 2 months ago so cysts and pocs I just don't understand...the last to that wer aspirated one was clear liquid and the other was a mix with blood but they never told me the results of biopsy so I'm assuming they are only hormones and nothing to worry about ... Xxxxx
It’s so frustrating isn’t it! Anything and everything seems to get in the way and any delay big or small just feels mammoth on this journey! I have pco too apparently not the syndrome but the appearance, after the aspiration and it refilling they were just happy to continue!I hope they’ll get on with yours too!
Possibly blood from the aspiration as they go in with a needle don’t they so I’d imagine there’s blood present or maybe just the make up of the cyst.
I know it’s not easy to stay positive but I kept telling myself all of the delays and setbacks, whilst so frustrating, would hopefully lead to exactly what was meant to be! After the egg collection I had to have a freeze all, another delay, or first round resulted in a mc, our second didn’t work but our third almost a year later gave us twins! So now I remind myself that it was all meant to be and worked out exactly how it we’d supposed to! But I appreciate during the process it’s not easy to think like that. I just found at times it helped!
Good luck! Xx
Oh yes it is definitely off putting, it does feel like never goes to plan the clinic are going to call me today hopefully with my blood results from yesterday and see if the doctor will allow me to continue with this month but I'm hoping just I'm not going to get hopes up ,, Ur journey was inspiring to read and congratulations on your twins 🥰 thank you for sharing ,,, xxxxxx