Hey everyone.
So I have had my left tube and ovary removed.
I had a lap and dye yesterday to see whether my other tube was blocked.
However, I came round from surgery to be told I now have a 8cm cyst on my right ovary. He couldn’t tell whether it was just a simple cyst in which case he can just pop it or an endometrial cyst in which case it’s more complicated as it can stop the functioning of the ovary. I am obviously terrified about this because it’s my only chance of having my own baby.
He wants me to go for an MRI scan to see what type of cyst it is and take it from there. Does anyone have any experience or cyst removal/endometrial cyst removal and your ovary has been fine?
I just don’t know what to think, I’ve been through so much already. I just want to be able to have my own baby 🙁