Hello! After my egg collection on Thursday (5 eggs retrieved) they were only able to inject 3 (we’re doing ICSI) and only 2 fertilised. Got a call this morning to say one had developed abnormally and so we were to come in today for a 3 day transfer. I’ve only ever done 5 day ones before and we went back and forward about pushing for a 5 day one but in the end just went for it and had our transfer this morning. Any success stories with 3 day embryos? This is basically our last shot for a sibling for my wee girl but am trying to stay positive until our blood test on the 11th so any positive stories welcome
Transfer day - help keep me positive ... - Fertility Network UK
Transfer day - help keep me positive with success stories of 3 day embryo transfers!

Hey lovely, just to say I have seen heaps of 3 day transfer successes on here, and you have to remember that until recently IVF only did 3 day transfers (never day 5) and there were a LOT of babies born! Better off that embryo is back where it belongs! Heaps of luck xx

Yes very helpful reminder thanks! Xx
Third round for us. Only had one fertilised and had our first day 3 transfer after previously only having day 5 blastocysts transferred. And wouldn’t you know it’s the first one to stick after 2 CPs! We’re almost 14 weeks now 😊 wishing you lots of luck x
My first transfer was a day 5 embryo which was a BFN. I requested a day 3 transfer against medical advice as I was worried I would have no embryos to transfer on day 5. I now have a 6 month old daughter. So a day 3 transfer worked for me!
All the best with your transfer 🙏🏾
That’s great you got a transfer. I got my 3 day transfer today too! Doctor was very reassuring after saying that 3 days were always the norm traditionally and when only one embryo to transfer it is considered better to transfer sooner as the body is a better incubator. Here’s hoping for us both 😊
Hey! Oh we can be transfer/2ww buddies! How did your transfer go? I'm feeling more positive than I expected and just trying to stay chilled about it for now! All the very best for your cycle xx
Hey yes we can! Yeah mine went okay thanks. Doctor seemed really pleased. What about yours? Waiting driving me mad though but got work to keep me busy. How are you feeling? I’m feeling a bit less bloated now off injection xx
Oh glad it went well. Yes mine went fine thanks. However I seem to have picked up something and am now feeling really unwell which is the last thing I need. Called the hospital in a panic earlier after my temp rose to 39.5 in case it was some kind of post-op infection but they said it was more likely to be covid (even though still testing negative). Feeling pretty low about the impact being ill could have on the 2ww and now hubby decided he wants to isolate from me so feeling a bit wobbly and alone in it all ☹️😭
Glad it went well and sorry to hear ur feeling unwell. I had cough during scans 1 and 2 and was worried about covid and cycle being cancelled. Try and keep positive, could just be a wee bug, you will be run down also with all the meds etc. Even if it is nothing to suggest that would affect implantation. I’ve been feeling exhausted last few days just starting to feel more norm today. Sorry to hear hubby is isolating!! If it’s any consolation mine has been out working 12 hour days so not seen him either!
Thanks, it feels like we’ve had so many extra challenges this round and to be honest I’m feeling pretty clobbered by it all. The hospital sounded pretty concerned about how high my temp was and kept stressing I needed to bring it down which still isn’t happening. Trying to stay hopeful, but already feel like I’m processing the fact that this is our last shot and won’t be doing any more treatment after this. We’re so grateful to have had my daughter through IVF/ICSI a few years ago and I would absolutely love another, but realistically financially, physically and emotionally we need to call it a day after the cycle. Sorry you’ve not seen much of your hubby! Hope you’re managing to keep your spirits up and distract yourself for the next week. When is your OTD? Mine is 11th Aug x
Hi, mine was 3 day transfer and from fresh cycle, only 7 eggs were retrieved and 3 got fertilized from which they transfer all 3 embroys and luckily one got attached, currently i am 23 weeks pregnant. So good luck to you also, just don't think about it and don't take stress, what will happen, i think this is the only key for successful pregnancy.
Oh congratulations! I find not thinking about it or stressing very hard but doing my best. What I've been telling myself is I have about 10 days before either being completely devastated or starting to feel nauseous and sleep deprived, so I may as well enjoy this limbo either way! xx
Me!!!I can only do 3rd day transfers.
I have a 2.5 old daughter and 1 month old
Took me 6 transfers (I always double our triple transfers)
So third day transfers do work!
Good luck!
Day 3 success for me after a failed day 5 transfer. Only 2 eggs collected and only 1 fertilised normally. Had a day 3 transfer of an average graded embryo and now have a 10 month old. Sending you lots of luck xxx