Hi everyone.
I’m back again!! Not as miserable this month!! I was so fed up for about a week or two. Ate loads of crap and back on the alcohol!! I literally cannot look at a cocktail now. 🙈
Tbh I was really down and starting to give up . All your messages and encouragement helped so much. So I’m ploughing ahead, I’m going to be starting my first frozen transfer next month hopefully.
I have 2 frozen embryos , frozen on day one , think they are called PN embryos.
I’ve decided to go for natural non medicated cycle. Mainly because the embryos aren’t graded, I don’t want to do weeks of injections and have nothing to transfer.
Either way medicated or non medicated I’ll be upset but think it will be less stress physically on me. I hope it’s the right decision .
I’d love to hear any tips or advice on natural frozen cycle ?
I have tried naturally this month, always hoping for a miracle 🙈Tracking with ovulation sticks, didn’t get a high LH surge till day 18/19, this is quite late .
Should I mention this to the clinic, is this something that can affect frozen transfer?
Thanks every as always for your support x