6 day blastocyst FET - Non medicated - Fertility Network UK

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6 day blastocyst FET - Non medicated

Franfran82 profile image
16 Replies

Does anyone have positive outcomes from a day 6 blastocyst FET ?

And any info on a non medicated cycle.

I miscarried end of July and I’m booked in for transfer beginning of November.

Thinking of a non medicated cycle this time as my cycles are 28 days and regular.

We have 3 frozen left, 1 at day 5 and 2 at day 6.

Wanting to hear so positive outcomes?

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Franfran82 profile image
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16 Replies
Maui2020 profile image

Hi Franfran, I really recommend non medicated cycles if you are regular. It feels so much easier on your body. I did have to attend more scans so we caught ovulation at the perfect time but it’s worth it not having to do all of the drugs. On one of my cycles all of my Frosties were day 6 and the first one transferred is my little boy. I can testify it works! X

Franfran82 profile image
Franfran82 in reply to Maui2020

Thank you for the reply. So happy to hear you have a little boy 🥰Could I ask, as I’ve not got my treatment plan appointment until 15th September, what would be transfer day in non medicated. The video I watched suggested day 16 but I thought it was more like day 21. I’m one of these people who like to know everything before it happens 😊

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Franfran82

Me too! I like to plan and prepare for everything!! I would say one slightly annoying thing about non medicated is it’s unpredictability! Transfer is 7 days after you are given your ovulation trigger. So if you’re a 28 day cycle (may be worth tracking ovulation this month), you would probably trigger around day 14, and you’re right, transfer would be around day 21. Good luck with it, let me know if you have any Qs, I’ve been through a lot of transfers trying for no.2 xxx

Franfran82 profile image
Franfran82 in reply to Maui2020

When you say the ovulation trigger, will I still need an injection for that?

I had 2 full ICSI cycles 6 years ago and have a little girl from the 2nd cycle, didn’t have any to freeze.

This time round we had 6 to freeze. So now it’s all different.

We had 1 fresh transfer which didn’t implant. Then a double FET, only 1 implanted and got to 6 weeks. That was a medicated cycle and it wiped me out, 3 weeks of suprecur really got to me.

1 of our embryos didn’t thaw properly so now we have 3 left.

Good luck with your journey x

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Franfran82

I’ve noticed a lot of clinics do this differently as I’ve seen from comments. I think mine may be called Natural modified.

My clinic got me very close to ovulation, and then just before gave me an ovitrelle trigger injection. This was so they can calculate the exact moment of ovulation (36 hours post trigger). They said it takes some unpredictability out of it. I was then given some top up cyclogest, even though your body will produce its own natural progesterone.

Congrats on your little girl and fantastic frostie result this time. Sorry to hear of your recent loss.

I have had one medicated cycle and it wiped me out too, also my lining just wasn’t as good as it was after fresh stimulation and naturally. It may be a great option for you.

My clinic also check my progesterone on transfer day so may be worth asking about that.? X 🤞🙏

Franfran82 profile image
Franfran82 in reply to Maui2020

Thanks for all the info. I definitely have questions ready for when I have my appt on the 15th.

I think I’d prefer the trigger.

They’ve told me I’ll be having cyclogest after transfer.

I’m just hoping this next one is our time 🤞x

pink_lemon profile image
pink_lemon in reply to Franfran82

Hello :) I just did natural FET. It was my first transfer, so I have nothing to compare it to, but my clinic monitored me from CD 8 quite regularly with bloods and scans on some days (including a Saturday on one occassion) until they pinpointed my ovulation exactly. Then they told me to come for transfer 6 days afterwards. I am pretty regular cycle too. Hope that helps for comparison?

Trying1982 profile image

My little girl is 11 weeks old and was a day 6, grade 5AA. I did a modified natural FET for my first attempt which did not work. I ended up doing a medicated FET the second time and it took. I have regular cycles but my progesterone level just wasn’t very good without the meds.

Franfran82 profile image
Franfran82 in reply to Trying1982

That’s so good to hear, congratulations on your little girl.I think mine are 4AA grade. So I’m hoping for a good result this time 🤞

ZessB profile image

Hi Fran, they should use your day 5 first as they are meant to have slightly better chances to implant. I use 2 day 5 blastocysts earlier this year, one ended in a mmc at 7 weeks, the other one failed to implant. I was very anxious about using my next blast which was a day 6 but I am now 14 weeks pregnant, which shows day 6 embryos have a good chance to turn into a viable pregnancy. Good luck with your FET. Mine was medicated as I have PCOS x

Franfran82 profile image
Franfran82 in reply to ZessB

I’m hoping they’ll go for a double transfer again so we’ll have a day 5 and a day 6.

Congratulations on your pregnancy, so glad you’ve got this far 🥰, it’s such an amazing experience x

KiboXX profile image

Hey lovely,

I noticed you said you found the suprecur really wiped you out on a previous FET. I have done two medicated FETs and I’ve never had to down regulate, clinics normally only do that for scheduling so you should be able to push back and say you want to skip that step. I always start straight on estradiol xx

Franfran82 profile image
Franfran82 in reply to KiboXX

I did wonder afterwards why I had to do the suprecur and why I couldn’t have just had the tablets 🤷‍♀️. I have lots of questions for the doctor when we have the treatment plan appt. thank you x

Poppy_2018 profile image

I had a day 5 and day 6 embryo transferred at the same time - both were successful! I had a medicated FET though so can’t help with Non-medicated cycle. Hope all goes well with your transfer x

Franfran82 profile image
Franfran82 in reply to Poppy_2018

Congratulations on both being successful 😁, it’s really good to hear. This is what I’m hoping for, another DET which would mean a day 5 & a day 6 at the same time. Even though the doctors insist on a single the embryologist suggested on our last transfer that a DET would be the best option for us. I’ll be 40 in February so I’m hoping this next transfer will be the one 🤞

Poppy_2018 profile image
Poppy_2018 in reply to Franfran82

Thank you!! A DET sounds like a plan! Fingers crossed all goes well for you x

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