Apologies for the long message but I am looking for advice regarding moving forward with next FET.My history is before starting IVF my previous history, I have lost 5 pregnancys.. 2 to ectopic pregnancies and 3 by miscarriage .. 1 was whilst I was carrying my youngest daughter (she was a twin) I lost the 2nd baby.
I have carried 2 daughter's to term, conceived naturally and no intervention needed throughout pregnancy. My last pregnancy ending in my last ectopic leaving me with no fallopian tubes and our only option IVF.
I have had 4 failed transfers so far, the embryos from all cycles have all developed well and high grade, my lining thickens and it's supposed to, I ovulate and have regular periods every month.
My question is we have 2 frozen embryo's left in storage, my last cycle they upped my meds to have prognova tablets, prontogest injections plus pessaries 3 X a day.. this cycle still failed.
I am now considering whether a fully natural cycle may be better? Whether I'm just fighting my natural body and all the intervention with meds is actually doing more harm than good?
Obviously I want this last cycle to work but given we have now had 4 fail and had a lot of meds I feel like maybe we should change course?
Has anyone gone down this route and found a natural FET cycle more beneficial than a medicated one?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated