Egg collection results are in - what ... - Fertility Network UK

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Egg collection results are in - what a pointless cycle

PrincessGurn1984 profile image

I’ve just got home, 4 eggs from only 4 follicles were collected and the clinic have literally just called to say only 3 were mature ☹️ not the result we were hoping for but nothing we can do about it now. I think we will get lucky even if just 1 makes it to blast but I’ve got a feeling none will.

I just can’t believe how different this cycle has been to our last (last we got 6 eggs, all 6 mature, 5 fertilised, 3 made it to blast although none of those blasts stuck!)

It is worrying because it feels like my egg reserve or whatever maybe has caused it to plummet this time around (im 37,38 in July!) I asked what could we do differently on another cycle as let’s face it that’s looking likely and he said nothing really as I’m already on the highest dose possible which is 450. Based on my AMH he said he would have thought I’d get a better response so it’s very frustrating (12.8).

What I’m also finding annoying is I literally took loads of extra vitamins and increased Co-q10 dose and it’s made zero difference. Before my last egg collection I even had the odd glass of wine right up til my period began to starting STIMS, this time around I did none of that haven’t even touched booze since December!

All of that should have had a positive effect but it hasn’t.

I don’t get it 😭

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PrincessGurn1984 profile image
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25 Replies
Orangeflowers profile image

Hey, don't give up yet, you've still got 3 in the running. I think there might be some research that shows the number of blasts from cycles ends up the same regardless of stim level. It could just be that your weaker one's got weeded out earlier.

I upped my stims to 450 for my last cycle and got a weird result to. In my first cycle most of my mature eggs fertilised, but in the high stim cycle only 3 out of 13 mature eggs did. I also maxed out on the supplements for my latest round. My AMH is 13, so similar to yours.

You've still got everything to hope for in this cycle so stay positive. X

Hoping20 profile image

Hey, I know you must be disheartened but you are most definitely still in the running with 3 mature eggs. Unfortunately IVF isn’t an exact science and it’s full of unexpected surprises as we all know. Just remember you have done your very best with this cycle with taking your supplements and not drinking - hopeful that will have made the 3 precious eggs you do have super healthy. Try to keep positive...I will be rooting for you!

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to Hoping20

Thank you so much, I have woken up feeling a bit better today I think the emotions and stress of yesterday really got me down, keeping fingers crossed for positive fertilisation call this morning xx

NemoFish profile image

I realise it’s disappointing for you but by calling your collection ‘pointless’ because you ‘only’ got three eggs is quite hurtful. Lots of women get nothing. Lots of women get one or two. There are people who would be over the moon with three eggs and it’s very dismissive to call it pointless!

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to NemoFish

I didn’t mean to be disrespectful of other peoples journeys, everyone’s feelings are valid and my own are valid too, and I felt in that moment in time it was pointless and disappointing and I’m allowed to feel and process all my emotions.

NemoFish profile image
NemoFish in reply to PrincessGurn1984

I never said your feelings weren’t valid, that’s why I said I understand that you feel disappointed, all I’m saying is maybe be a bit mindful of the language you use to describe it. Your post could be the last thing someone reads this morning before going for egg collection today, and it’s not nice to think others might view three precious eggs as pointless!

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to NemoFish

Morning lovely ladies sorry to jump in, I’m sitting here waiting for my call from the lab after egg collection yesterday to see if any of my eggs were mature/fertilised and I just wanted to say in the last hour I feel like how BOTH of you are describing 🙈 it’s such a rollercoaster with so many emotional ups and downs and reading this convo between you both summed up my internal struggle today! So I guess what I’m saying is… for me, my god you are both so right 😆 and it weirdly helped me to see both sides and my emotions are normal- so thanks and sending love 💞 xx

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you, this is a good way of looking at it, of course I feel pleased to still be in the running but equally it’s a lot to go through when you feel disappointed with your yield (it’s relative to everyone’s own circumstances on the expectations they were hoping to get). I know it’s quality over quantity but as someone said in one of my earlier posts in society we are in the mindset of higher numbers mean higher chances of success, I know it only takes 1 egg but when you’ve been on this journey before it’s hard to be positive sometimes. Best of luck with your cycle, keeping everything crossed for you xx

Twiglet2 profile image

Fingers crossed for your 3 little embryos 🤞🏽Have the said whether they are aiming for a day 3 or day 5 transfer? Xx

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to Twiglet2

Thanks 🥰 they haven’t decided yet they will see how many fertilise, I should find out this morning how many have 🤞🏼

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to PrincessGurn1984

Exact same position here 🤞🏽 Fingers crossed for us both xx

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to Twiglet2

To update you the clinic just called and only 1 of the eggs has fertilised, they are not going to wait for it to get to day 5 blastocyst so are now planning on transferring it on day 3 (Thursday). But they won’t be able to tell us until Thursday morning if it’s even developed enough to do that 😥Just can’t get over how different this one has been x

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to PrincessGurn1984

Day 3 is defo what I would do in that scenario, much better back where it belongs. That call in the morning of transfer is always so nerve racking! Fingers crossed for Thursday for you- it’s crazy how different cycles can be! We got half the number of eggs we did last time but luckily they were mature. I’m hoping your little embaby that’s still going strong is the special one for you 🤗 xx

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you I will keep you posted 🤞🏼 This is what I find baffling how once cycle can vary so much from the previous. What do you feel had changed from your last cycle to this one if you don’t mind me asking? X

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to PrincessGurn1984

I’m not sure, obviously age is a factor (I turned 40 last month) but it was also strange as some follicles were responding really quickly to the drugs and some really slowly so I had some that were too big and some that were too small at my last scan and only 2 that were just right. Where as last time they were all kinda going at the same pace so I think it might just be one of those things that no matter the science and the planning your body will just do what it likes that particular cycle 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m really grateful though we have some progressing at the moment Xx

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to Twiglet2

The body is such a funny thing isn’t it, I just want a guarantee but I know that IVF isn’t like that there are so many unknowns x

Bella_Bee profile image

Sorry it's not what you were hoping for. Fingers crossed you get there despite the fewer eggs than your previous cycle. If not, for next time maybe, it's worth looking into dhea, melatonin, high dose folic acid as well as coq10 for 3, 4 months before another cycle. We're the same age and have the same amh. I got better results with all of the above. (Acupuncture too but I realise that sounds a bit airy fairy to many...) As well as a long cycle. The short cycle was boom and bust for me. Sorry if you don't want to hear about a "next time". Just thought I'd send a virtual hug and my personal experience. Best of luck for this time though! You're def not out!!!

Lucy92x profile image

Don’t give up hope. When I had my egg collection they managed to collect 5 of which only 3 were mature, only 2 fertilised and only 1 made it to blast, unfortunately the other one never caught up, even though they left it an extra 24 hours. I’m currently 14 weeks and 4 days pregnant with my only surviving embryo, so it can happen. Good luck🤍

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to Lucy92x

Thank you that’s such a positive story to hear and congratulations! I really hope this one is a real sticky and stays comfy inside me 🥰 did you use embryo glue? X

Lucy92x profile image
Lucy92x in reply to PrincessGurn1984

Thank you, like yourself I was devastated with my numbers and consistently thought of the worst outcomes. My anxiety has been through the roof the whole way through but I’m finally starting to settle a little and believe after 7 years this could finally be it. Yeah we used the glue, there was no real pros or cons to it for us because they said my age, I was 29 nearly 30 they’d not really done any research in to it so we just said let’s go for it and see how it goes xxx

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to Lucy92x

It’s so hard not to dissect every aspect of the cycle. I’ve got so many emotions at the moment, and it’s just really tricky to process the whole thing. And now I’m like so we change clinics, will that help. I just don’t know what to do for the best x

Lucy92x profile image
Lucy92x in reply to PrincessGurn1984

I’ve been lucky enough for our first cycle to work for us so I’ve never felt the need to change clinics, however I’ve seen loads of people questioning whether this is something they should do. My only thoughts on that is, when you chose the clinic you’re with now I’m sure you did plenty of research in to the clinic you’ve chosen, so why would a different clinic be any different for you? What is it that you want to do differently, a different protocol, if so then could you speak to the clinic you’re currently at and see what they say? I just worry about jumping out the frying pan in to the fire. However at the end of the day it’s yours and your partners choice and I’m sure you’ll make the right one for you xxx

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to Lucy92x

Thanks those are all very good points, I guess other than a change in protocol each clinic would do the same thing, no clinic can make my egg quality better or hubbies sperm quality better I guess they just have to play around with what we’ve got x

HollyT7 profile image

that's a good result, it's over 50% of what was collected! we had 24 follicles, 16 collected, 9 mature and only 3 fertilised. But all 3 worked (given the first we had a chemical but still it took!). This could be the round for you, as the good old saying goes, it only takes one ❤️

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to HollyT7

Thank you keeping everything crossed 🤞🏼

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