Hey all,
So quick back story, fertility check in October showed low AMH levels (2.8pmol) and then same weekend my relationship broke down! Wanting to give myself options incase I don’t meet anyone in time!
So yesterday and today I paid my invoices for my IVF round which will start in about 10days. Meds being delivered tomorrow. Final blood tests and treatment plan appt on Monday.
Is it normal to have mixed emotions about it? It’s not just about the money although as I’m single and 37 I’ve had to pay the £7.5k out of my savings! I did cry after I paid it! However am I nuts for doing a round of IVF on my own in the middle of a pandemic!?
From today I’m going to be isolating as much as possible as I really don’t want to catch Covid and have to stop! I just feel very lost, alone and sad.
I even felt bad when choosing a donor to fertilise my eggs with! Blew my mind! Upset me as never imagined I’d be in this situation.
Sorry for my little rant, just would like to know how other people feel right now about treatments especially if you are doing it alone? 😕