Hi all, sorry I haven't been on here for a few months as I needed to step back a bit after my first ivf round failed in the summer.
Hope everyone is doing well or as well as can be expected.
We've decided to have a go at one more round of ivf as I don't feel ready to give up yet and everything seemed to go well in round one, although sadly ended in a BFN. It will be our last try though as my age and our finances won't allow any more. I think this is putting extra pressure on it working this time.
I was feeling upbeat about it all until today when I went to the hospital to pay the big bill and collect my huge bag of meds. I don't know if it was being in the hospital, which always reminds me of the horrible time of my miscarriage, or maybe it's just that reality is setting in that we're doing ivf again but I've felt really low and emotional all day. I'm terrified that it won't work again and no idea how I'll cope but I'm also worrying that feeling this negative and emotional won't help the outcome either.
For those whose ivf has failed previously and you try again, how do you get into a positive frame of mind?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks xxx