So the doctors here in the UK state I do not need baby aspiring, while my doctor in Italy recommended it due to my recurrent miscarriage and the fact that I have heterozygous gene. Nothing worrying but I would like to try the baby aspirin. When did you start?
First FET: when did you start baby as... - Fertility Network UK
First FET: when did you start baby aspirin? Anyone has MTHFR heterozygous gene?

Hey, I started aspirin on D1 of my stims journey. Before this and before I actually started IVF, my consultant advised that if I were to fall pregnant naturally, to start taking baby aspirin daily straight away. Best to check with them to confirm though! X
Hi. It should be perfectly safe to take as it’s such a small dose. I think some clinics also prescribe clexane with recurrent miscarriage. I presume you will also be on progesterone. Also I think you need to take methyl folate rather then folic acid with the MTFR gene. Good luck for your FET x
I am with NHS now and they said I don’t need anything but I will self prescribe my low dose aspirine from today. Will buy Methyl folate too, thank you for the suggestion. What is the dose I need to buy? Thank you x
I didn't take it for my fresh transfers but tried it for my FET - think I started a couple of weeks before the transfer and then carried on after BFP. I asked my fertility consultant about aspirin before I had the FET, having had a couple of early losses and read blood clotting can sometimes be a factor, and he said he wouldn't prescribe it as I didn't have any diagnosed medical condition and even if I did there were better blood thinners they would use before aspirin. However, he said one small dose of aspirin a day wouldn't hurt and if it made me feel better he had no issue with me taking it.
Hi lovely, I took it for all my FETs and started on the same day as oestrogen.Best of luck xx
I started oestrogen last Tuesday but hopefully it’s still ok if I start today! Thank you x
Oh yes that should be fine. I think it's most important to help the blood flow to the uterus, so can help with your lining but mainly for helping the embryo implant.x
Hi lovely, I started it at the beginning of my cycle. I take 81mg where I am, but I think in the UK they usually sell it as 75mg tablets. You can get it over the counter at most big supermarkets and pharmacies. Do you have the methyl folate instead of regular folate also for the MTHFR? xx
I have the same gene and took at on day 1 on my FET cycles. I was also on 5mg of folic acid instead of the normal dose. xx
My clinic were on the fence (in Spain) however at my first health visitor meeting in UK, I was advised to take it. I was 8 weeks pregnant by then. I started taking it 2 months prior to transfer. X

Thank you for sharing, I have started it yesterday! x
Wishing you all the very best x
Hello Francy! I am MTFHR homo not hetro but I started taking aspirin and clexane 5 days before transfer. It is risky to take aspirin before egg retrieval as it could make you bleed during the procedure. Doctor made me stop at least 48h before the retrieval. I stopped clexane at 6 weeks and kept taking aspirin throughout pregnancy
Both doctors here and in Italy say I don’t need heparin. I don’t have to do egg collection just a FET in around 10 days if all goes well. I started aspirin yesterday, only 75mg. This is the only dose they sell here in the UK right? x
To be honest, my hematologist said I do not need it as well but my fertility expert recommended and I was desperate due yo previous miscarriages. I bled heavily around 5 or 6 weeks pregnant and stopped clexane. Pregnancy progresses with only aspirin 100 which was recommended by my hematologist so I believe you are on the right track. I live in Dubai and not in UK anymore, so not sure what dose they sell in UK anymore.
Also, keep in mind that I have both gene mutation and you have one, so my case is more ‘severe’. My cousin is hetro as well and her pregnancy progressed without clexane or aspirin (she is allergic). Wishing you all the best in your FET xxxx
My Greek clinic wanted me to start low dose aspirin 5 days before embryo transfer (with the progesterone), my British one on the day after (but I was already on Clexane, due to coagulation issues). The dose is 75mg.
I am also on 5mg of folic acid, which I have been told is the standard if you have mutations on the MTHFR gene -- and which is also quite standard in Italy. Btw, if you can source it in Italy it will be much cheaper!
Thank you so much, tbh medicines are more expensive in Italy! But anyway, the cost is ok, I just want to make sure I do the right things this time! Thank you for your help x
Hello lovely,I have had 5 miscarriages and I am now pregnant for the 6th time and on 150mg aspirin, as advised by the NHS Rainbow Clinic. I started the day of my BFP. I have blood clotting problems and I am also on heparin. Have you seen a haematologist? Wishing you lots of luck! xx