So anxious I'm 18 weeks in two days, and feeling full in my abdomen constantly past few days, don't know what's normal or not. Mind I have been stuffing my face, slight paid in my abdomen when I sit or get up suddenly. Anyone else have this? So nervous till 5 month scan can't come quick enough!!! Xx
When did you feel baby first move so ... - Fertility Network UK
When did you feel baby first move so anxious?

I started to feel little fluttering around week 18 and then a few days later got my first significant kick which I also felt with my hand. Ever since then baby hasn't stupors wriggling. But you may not feel anything up to 22 weeks. X
I was worried and then was reading the nct group on here where its more pregnancy related questions. They say it can be up to 24 weeks.
Mine started at 21 weeks but they say that you can miss the beginning of it with your first as you don't know what the feeling is.
Just had my 20 week scan and don't fret, just as you get to that milestone there's something else to be anxious about!
My first baby moved around week 20, i could feel where the hand or the foot was, also every now and then as the date approached, i remember, once we were in a wedding and watching firecracker when suddenly my baby kicked, that was like an indication that he was present as well, i remember how wonderful the experience was.
Awww bless you. The first feeling you get is pretty much like a butterfly's wings and easily mistaken for the feeling of trapped air, a sort of slight bubbling, very hard to explain. I was about 19 weeks with the first baby but it took me almost a week to realise what it was and everyone's different.
In a few more weeks you'll be lying in bed trying to sleep but not be able to due to the kicks! My youngest pushed so hard with her legs in the last couple of weeks she bruised one of my ribs, ouch! xxx
Hi, you poor thing. It's very anxiety provoking waiting for the first movements. Don't forget everyone is different and it's not unusual not to feel anything until 20 something weeks. Also at first it's not unusual to be unsure whether what you are feeling is the baby or not! It's usually very gentle at first just a fluttering - remember baby is still v small! With actual kicks many weeks later. I think I felt my 1st around 20 weeks but I'm v slim; they say the bigger you are in pregnancy the harder it is to feel movement. With my 2nd I felt it slightly earlier but only because I recognised the feeling and knew it wasn't just gas lol! Try to focus on what your body is doing - all sounds very normal to me! The pain you are feeling could be "round ligament pain" which is perfectly normal. I know how hard it is to relax in pregnancy after having ivf but focus on your scan date which will be another huge milestone to celebrate soon !! Xxx xxx
Hiya.. I got fluttering feelings for quite a while but was not really sure whether baby or wind... My first proper kick came when I was 23 weeks to the day... How you are Is how I was..... Try not to worry as all been good so far for you.... 💋 💋 💋
In the same position as you so don't worry it's very normal to feel anxious about this - I'm now over 21 weeks and have barely felt anything but I found out at my 20 week scan that I have an anterior placenta which blocks most of the movement annoyingly - I could see him wriggling around on the screen and kicking and punching away but couldn't feel a thing which gave me a tiny bit of reassurance that he's doing ok so far! Have just started feeling some little flutterings over the last couple of days so it will happen in time! X
Don't worry, I didn't feel a proper kick until 24 weeks. I was desperate to feel her kick and was getting worried but no-one else was - midwives etc all said it was perfectly normal, especially with a first baby. Looking back now I think I did feel some movement before then, almost like a burning sensation on the inside of my skin, but I didn't know what it was at the time. Try not to worry - before you know it your baby will be keeping you awake with all it's wriggling! Xx