About to do a FET of a 5 day blastocyst and trying to compare when most people are told to start clexane. Some start out on day 6 of their cycle and others 2 days before FET/transfer day...What did those who've had a successful pregnancy after recurrent losses and introduced checks on their successful cycle do?
When in your FET cycle did you start ... - Fertility Network UK
When in your FET cycle did you start Clexane?

Heya Hun. Hope u ok. I started my clexane 5 days before the transfer day. That was when I was told and then too continue until they say. I had that and my cyclogest and folic to help due to my losses. At the mo all is ok I think.
When u hoping to try ur next FET? Xx
Oh that's interesting. My clinic only does it 2-3 days before transfer. I'd prefer to start earlier if I'm honest. Did you have any blood clotting tests or just as routine? So happy things are going well xx
All so different a. Didn’t do mean any harm so can’t see why u couldn’t tbh. No tests for me no think they just put me on to try act as a prevention for MC and though never certain if it that that helping but good to have it as a just in case.
What the next steps for u?xx
Yes if I go on it I'll get to stay on until after the birth of I did get pregnant!
Think we're going to try another FET around 24th. Very nervous and worried I've not done enough tests.
How are you feeling?
Oooh not far away. Really hope it could happen for u this time 🤞🤞 hopefully the extra tests has helped and would imagine always be hard to know re if had enough tests. All can do is try again and see what happens.
Yeah am ok thank u. Worried that could mc again but hopefully all be ok 🤞🤞.
Take good care hun xx
I don't think the worry will ever leave those of us who've lost before unfortunately. You've not had anything go wrong to make you think this is likely have you?
Just feeling more rough than have been and had slight spotting and this is the time I mc this time. But as u said hopefully all be ok and more the fear. See what happens is all can do.
Really hope could be ur turn hun. U deserve it xx
I’ve not had recurrent miscarriages, but after my first one I started taking Clexane and aspirin once pregnancy was confirmed.
So while I don’t think it’s really best advice for you, thought it best sharing in anycase.
Wishing you all the best for this FET 🤞

Thanks for replying. Fingers crossed xx
I’ve had a mmc, a failed cycle then a kind of successful cycle..it’s a long story! On the third (FET) cycle I added clexane I was offered it as an option and decided to give it a go. I started it the night before transfer x

Sorry to hear it's been a rough journey for you too. Would you start clexane earlier and stay on it longer next time? Any confirmed blood clotting issues or jyst routine? Xx
I think protocol at my clinic is to start the day before, I stayed on until 12 weeks this time. No known clotting issues but I’ve not had any tests to confirm and I’ve previously had a full term pregnancy. I’m not sure there will be a next time for us...we’re having a little break to recover before deciding what to do next x

Rest up and I hope you come to the decision that's best for you and your family xx
I’ve just started taking clexane and we’re 5 days before transfer. I think you usually start taking it when you switch over to your progesterone support in the final stage before transfer x
Hiya. I start on day 1 of my cycle along with fematab....so I'm on it for about 20 days before transfer. Then 3 days after transfer i add on asprin...
Had some sucess on 2nd FET but miscarried. Don't think it was a clotting issue as I've had children when I was younger.
I do think the earlier the better....it's to prevent clots in the lining build up aswell as maximise the blood flow to the uterus...so the earlier the better...
Best of luck this cycle...I'm on meds for 4th FET this month...x
Hey, I was having a think about the clexane thing last night. Your clinic may well have you on a higher dose than me as you have a homozygous (2 of the same type) mutation and mine is heterozygous. The clinic will keep you right!xx
Hmm I think I'll be on 40 per day. They aren't familiar with this mutation. We're hoping the Dr who ran the test at St Mary's hospital will give us more direction next week xx
I've just checked my meds and its 40 I'm on. Good luck.xx
Update from the st Mary's Dr: only wants me to start clexane 40 the day before transfer and to stop at 24 weeks (if I did get bfp) and only if the heart beat is normal otherwise I stay on till 36 weeks. No baby aspirin till 8 weeks...So strange. I really figured it would be a higher dose starting earlier and for longer in conjunction with more baby aspirin. I pray this guy knows what he's doing!
I'm sure he does as it's not for everyone to have to take clexane for the whole pregnancy. I'm sure I'm just up to 12 wks but have never gotten that far so unsure!! Best of luck, hopefully you can crack on with your prep now. Oh and the other thing is my aspirin is possible more to encourage blood flow to my uterus in prep for FET as my lining struggles to get thick.xx
I'm having my FET around 23rd Oct, last transfer resulted in a MMC, first one was CP. I wasn't offered any tests since the blood tests at the very start of my IVF journey showed all clear for me but MFI, then had a lap after my CP and found I have endo and adenomyosis. I've never heard of Clexane and am now worrying they should be offering it to me?
My full bloods also showed I didn't have blood clotting issues. But my Dr sent me for more comprehensive ones called TEG & pai-1 these both came back with blood clotting issues. I'll need baby apron when I do long haul flights or have surgery. They are putting me on clexane and then baby aspirin. I was on baby aspirin in my last chemical and obviously didn't help. Hoping clexane is enough. You should definitely request to be put on it. Lots of clinics put women on it regardless of if they've got known clotting issues.
Glad they found the endo and removed it? It's so awful this whole journey xx
Did you have symptoms of endometriosis is that why they did the lap?
Yes I'd had agonising periods for 20 years but scans showed nothing and I didn't have pain during sex, so nobody believed me, so they only agreed to do a lap after I insisted after the first ICSI cycle failed.
I'll ask about Clexane at my next scan on Wednesday. I'm NHS so don't know if that makes a difference. If this one fails I'll be going private so am sure I'd get all the tests then.
I would hope they'd not even do the testing cos that's expensive when they can just put you on clexane. Many of my tests said I didn't have clotting issues but finally found two tests that showed rarer blood clotting issues. So it would cost a fortune to keep testing. Who knows of clexane is even the solution for me!
Have you done an ERA? My ERA came back 12 hours pre receptive after my chemical.
Glad the lap showed up endo xx