Subchorionic Hematoma: Hey all so I got... - Fertility Network UK

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Subchorionic Hematoma

49 Replies

Hey all so I got good and bad news

Good news - baby had a heartbeat and is measuring 6w + 1 day

Bad news - I have a subchorionic hematoma which is whats causing the bleeding

The nurse said I have a 50% chance of miscarrying

I'm so devastated. Please has anyone had this which a positive outcome?

49 Replies
Millbanks profile image

Hi Lilly, I had a subchorionic haematoma - do you know why they said you have a 50% chance of miscarrying? No one mentioned that to me - in fact they said that it wasn't affecting the baby at all.Great news about the heartbeat and sizing though! xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Millbanks

This is a really useful page -

in reply to Millbanks

I have no idea! From what I could see it was small and I've just searched up and it said it's about a 30% chance of miscarrying.

The nurse really freaked me out! When she was talking to me she didn't seem hopeful.

I have an appointment on Thursday with my clinic so will see what they say

Glad to hear everything was OK with yours! How long did it take to go away?

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to

Do you know what size it was? Mine was massive - 10cm x 6cm - and took about 3.5 weeks to go. But they weren't worried about miscarriage. xx

in reply to Millbanks

She didn't tell me the size, why on earth would she say that to me!!! I've not stopped crying

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to

Oh love, try not to worry. Have a look at my recent post on subchorionic haematoma - I had loads of incredible stories from other people - they will make you feel better xx

in reply to Millbanks

Here is a pic of the scan, the hematoma is on the bottom right.

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Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to

That looks small to me (although I'm certainly no expert!!) definitely smaller than mine. Hopefully it'll clear up a lot quicker - your body will absorb some of it too xx

in reply to Millbanks

Thank you so much Millbanks, you honestly are a god send! You're really putting my mind at ease!!

I even said to her but it's small so that's good right? Maybe she's just not used to seeing them so she gave me the worst outcome.

Who's knows but I'm so freaked out

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to

Aww love - I can imagine - such a horrid thing to say to someone!! Honestly, read the comments in my post - they are super common (especially in IVF) and also at any stage of pregnancy... so many people seem to have them and go on to have perfectly healthy pregnancies xx

in reply to Millbanks

Right!! I'd rather her just not tell me as now I'm just expecting the worst. I'm going to read them now thank you! Xx

Littlepeax profile image

What a horrible thing to be told 😔 hope you're OK ❤ try and stay positive. Good news about heartbeat etc xxx

in reply to Littlepeax

Thank you x

Redsequin profile image

I’m so sorry you had to hear that. I once had a gp tell me the tiny shadow on my womb was definitely a tumour and probably cancerous. When I finally saw the consultant, he was FURIOUS that the gp had misinterpreted a polyp for a tumour without bothering to check with anyone first. All this to say, even supposed medical experts are inexperienced in some areas of their jobs and say the stupidest things sometimes. I hope your clinic puts your mind at ease soon. Sending hugs xxxxxx

in reply to Redsequin

How ridiculous!! I can't believe they put you through that! Yes I think she's inexperienced but it's insane she just threw a number at me when so far from what I've been told and read it's definitely not a 50% chance. Will update on Thursday with what clinic says. Thank you xx

Redsequin profile image
Redsequin in reply to

I know! It's such a stupid thing for her to say. Even if she had known the correct stat, why on earth would you lead with "You have 30 per cent chance of miscarriage" when it would be just as accurate, but so much more reassuring, to say "the majority of pregnant women who have a hematoma are absolutely fine" It's beyond belief.

in reply to Redsequin

Exactly!! She was so negative even when I said but it's small so that's a good thing right her response was yes but it can get bigger. Like wow how can someone be so insensitive. The more I'm reading the better I'm feeling about the whole thing. Thank you x

Redsequin profile image
Redsequin in reply to

So daft; I get the feeling she chose entirely the wrong profession 🥴. Anyway, I'm so glad you're feeling a little better now. 🧡

Pittapatta profile image

Hi Lillyx31 no words of experience to offer you except big hugs! I pray everything turns out to be okay. Stay strong

in reply to Pittapatta

Thank you ❤️

PaigeK profile image

I’m certainly no expert, but I thought haematomas can be quite common and not necessarily something that would affect baby. I’d certainly ask more questions when you go back and maybe speak to someone different. Congrats on your 6wk scan.

in reply to PaigeK

Thank you! I have a appointment on Thursday with my ivf clinic so will see what they say x

Cotswoldmum profile image

I have (had? Going back on Thursday to see if it’s been absorbed) and my clinic said that it shouldn’t affect the baby. Mine is quite a bit smaller, although I’d had a big bleed so probably lost most of it). It it was a lot closer to the sac than yours. Fingers crossed for you xx

Cotswoldmum profile image
Cotswoldmum in reply to Cotswoldmum

They also said it was really common!

in reply to Cotswoldmum

Thank you! Good luck with your scan x

Pos1tivelybaby profile image

Gosh, that nurse was so negative and I’m not sure she’s qualified to give that assessment!!I had that during my pregnancy and bled on and off from week 8 through to week 32. Sometimes it was like a tap was left running, very scary. My daughter just turned 4 and is perfectly healthy with lots of energy and attitude. Try to stay calm and not worry. Perhaps take iron supplements like I did to avoid being anaemic.

in reply to Pos1tivelybaby

Right!! She was so insensitive and had sent me into a complete panic. Oh that's so wonderful to hear! Thank you x

Hallj10 profile image

Sorry to hear this. Rest as much as possible. I have had one with both of my miscarriages at 7 - 8 week and was put on strict rest last time to give it the best change to absorb.

Sorry I have no good news here but that’s just from my experience 🙏

in reply to Hallj10

Thank you and so sorry to hear about your miscarriages x

KiboXX profile image

Hey lovely,

So sorry you’re having such a scary experience. I’m not sure why they’ve told you there is a 50% chance of miscarrying though, that seems really extreme, especially looking at your scan photo, your SCH looks quite far away from baby.

I had the same thing, it was picked up on my scan and then at 9 weeks I had a huge bleed, bright red and soaked through my clothes. A scan the next day confirmed it had bled out and resolved itself. I’m now 20 weeks and haven’t had any issues since. Mine was bigger and closer to baby than yours and no one ever mentioned those sort of miscarrying odds to me so I honestly think you just had a bit of a shitty nurse to be honest.

I know it’s worrying but try to focus on that heartbeat 💓 xxx

in reply to KiboXX

Thank you so much for the reassurance and great to hear yours resolved itself x

Flo1990 profile image

So I had a bright red bleed from just before 6 weeks and was on and off bleeding until about 8 9 weeks I was so scared and thought it was totally over went for scans and it looked massive too me ill upload a pick! I'm now 19 wrrks and no bleeding at all and everything us fine with baby girl 💕 so don't listen to that silly nurse she shouldn't have said that to you! My midwife was so unbothered by it and said happens to loads of people and will go on its own

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Flo1990 profile image
Flo1990 in reply to Flo1990

I hope this makes you feel better as when it happened to me all i did was read online which made me feel worse xxxx

in reply to Flo1990

Oh that's wonderful news! Yes I too had a bleed and went A&E thinking it was all over (how they found the hematoma). It's so scary isn't it! Glad to hear everything is fine with your baby girl! Thank you so much for the reassurance x

Bunnywoo profile image

Hi, I had SCHs with 3 of my pregnancies. 1 unfortunately didn't end well but 2 did, and my daughter has just gone off to school and I'm currently feeding my 10 month old son Weetabix! I can massively sympathise. It's absolutely terrifying, I bled A LOT and there isn't an awful lot you can do about it and healthcare professionals seem so unfussed by it. Do what you feel you need to do. For me, I felt that resting as much as possible would somehow help (even though there's no clinical evidence saying that resting does help) I'm crossing all my fingers and toes for you, that's great that you saw a heartbeat. Good luck xxx

in reply to Bunnywoo

Sorry about your loss but how amazing that you have 2 that made it!! I've put myself on partial bed rest as I've heard that helps from others also. Thank you so much x

Minnie92 profile image

I had one of these, it came away at about 7 weeks and was treated for threatened miscarriage in hospital. My baby is now 2 weeks old perfectly healthy, good luck to you everything will be fine 🙏🏼

in reply to Minnie92

Amazing thank you! X

Tobytubs11 profile image

I’ve had two, I can’t for the life of me remember that if I had any bleeding I don’t think I did but my nurse was fine about it, and she said don’t worry if you have a bleed. I can’t understand why she say that lots of the girls have them on out Ivf group x

in reply to Tobytubs11

Thank you! Xx

Hopealwayss profile image

I had a sub chorionic hematoma with heavy bleeding around weeks 6-9 following my 7th ivf (frozen embryo). It has gone by the 4th month. My only baby is here, completely healthy ❤️. I was in bed rest to avoid any complications throughout the first trimester and took things very easy till the end of pregnancy.

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in reply to Hopealwayss

Oh how amazing! Congratulations on your beautiful baby!! 🥰 I've put myself on partial bed rest and have a scan on Thursday with my ivf clinic so will see what they say. Thank you for the reassurance! X

MamaWeez profile image

Hello Lilly! I had a heavy bleed at 5 weeks and I had an abdominal scan that very same day. The doctor told me not to worry and that this happens. I asked him if I will miscarry, he didn’t give me a definite answer. He told me to go home, relax and not to overthink. Now when I look back at the scan picture I wonder how I never saw that big hematoma which he didn’t tell me about. Not sure of the size of the hematoma, but as you can see in the picture, it was much much bigger than the sac. I am not 22 weeks pregnant and things are going smooth. Wishing you the very best! Relax and enjoy the pregnancy. I have had many friends who got hematomas during their early pregnancy and things are progressing well.

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in reply to MamaWeez

Amazing news! Thank you for the reassurance! X

Poppy_2018 profile image

Hi Lilly, so sorry you’re going through this. It’s hard enough dealing with the anxieties of being pregnant and having a haematoma without having to deal with an insensitive medical professional! I was pregnant with twins and had a large haematoma in between the 2 sacs at 6 weeks. I had 2 quite big bleeds and cramping. They didn’t mention anything to me about miscarriage, but they told me to have complete rest so I pretty much lay on the sofa for 2 weeks then worked from home for a week. By week 10 the haematoma had pretty much resolved and my twins are now 22 months! Try not to think about what the nurse said, have plenty of rest if you can and watch lots of Netflix! Hoping for a positive outcome for you x

in reply to Poppy_2018

Amazing news! Congratulations on your twins and thank you for the reassurance! X

GBB87 profile image

Hi Lilly, I hope everything turned out well for you. My wife is 10 weeks and we had a scan yesterday morning and everything looked great except they did see a hematoma. About 3cm X 1.5cm. Last night she started bleeding and we’re freaking out. This is our 4th ivf transfer and had 2 miscarriages in the past.

What did your doctor say about your bleed? Ours just told us to basically go on bed rest and just monitor the bleed to see if it resolves on its own.

in reply to GBB87


Sorry to hear about your losses and that your wife is experiencing this!

My doctor also put me on bed rest, was told not to have sex/orgasms and if I had heavy bleeding go to A&E.

I had heavy bleeding twice and second time it soaked through my clothes so you can imagine how much there was! I know bleeding is terrifying but it's likely that the hematoma is bleeding out.

For me I bled out most of it and the rest was absorbed by my body. I had the hematoma at 6 weeks, by 9 weeks it had completely cleared up.

Wish you both all the best 🙏🏻

GBB87 profile image

Had a scan today and confirmed all is ok with the baby. I’m happy to hear everything seems to be ok with you as well. Thank you for your reply. Best of luck to you!

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