Trying to decide whether to go for another double or a single this time.
We've done 3x singles. 1xdouble. All BFN, although some chemical pregnancies, all negative by OTD.
We have had a lot of tests now. PgTA, hysteroscopy, Era, Emma, Alice.
Last time thr double was with euploid embryos but we hadn't yet done to era. We now know to adjust timing and need and extra 24 hours of progesterone.
Dr says even though PgTA tested we Can have a double if we want, but they don't recommend.
I feel a bit like either both will work or none well. If none do, then we've wasted an embryo??!!
If they both work, obviously higher risk with twins, but also then we never have to go through this ivf hell again.
Any advice would be much appreciated?!!
We were set on a double and happy with twins, even quite excited for twins. But now I'm scared about 'wasting' an embryo (we only have 2 euploid left and one mosaic) and my wife is starting to think about how much harder twins will be. The Dr seemed to think go for 1. If the 2nd embryo was meant to be then it would work in a year or so for a sibling too (not sure it would be as easy as that tho!!)
Thoughts either way please?!!!