Hello, does anyone know for how long you need to take cyclogest after a positive pregnancy test on a FET and natural cycle. I thought I had to continue after the pregnancy test if positive but I have been advised it is not necessary , but I have the choice of carry on... I feel a bit confused. Anyone in the same situation? Thank you x
Progesterone in natural cycle FET - Fertility Network UK
Progesterone in natural cycle FET

I was told to carry on until 12 weeks however I had a medicated FET cycle so may be different! X
I was told to continue my crinone vaginal cream until 12 weeks with a natural cycle. Are you taking anything else or just the cyclogest? Also consider how you are coping with pessaries - are you getting any side effects etc. I would continue, especially in light of the headlines this week of giving progesterone to people who have miscarried even once.
Good luck!
Hi, thank you!I am not in any other medication apart from cyclogest. I am not having side effects from the progesterone so far, woke up with bog headache today but could be from any other thing. I have never miscarried, but due to the embryo being low mosaic I have more risk of miscarriage so I will probably feel less anxious taking it.Thank you for your advise , I am so lost and undecided 😊xxx
Hi you most definately DO NOT want to stop progesterone as soon as the positive test as this will just cause your hormones to go out of alignment and not be good for the embryo, as your body may recognise the additional progesterone removed and potentially causing a loss early on. After 2 successful FET births, using progesterone I am well placed to advise you after an FET transfer cycle, it is recommended to take cyclogest progesterone for 12 weeks as by this time at 12 weeks the body is making enough ( in the placenta) of the hormone. Up to that point in those crucial early weeks, the yolk sac is helping nourish the early embryo until sufficient hormone progesterone production takes over. I actually took mine ( albeit stepped it down slowly) from week 12 until week 14 to be extra sure there was enough for the fetus to maintain the pregnancy as my luteal phase was always borderline short of 11 days. Please please keep on that progesterone ! x
Oh no! I am in the same position as you, I got my BFP and I was told there was no need to continue with the pessaries so I took my last one on Saturday night… now I’m worried 😢 the clinic told me as I had a FET there was no need to continue x
I know its all very confusing 😕 and worrying because we want to do the right thing and to me it all sounds a bit contradictory. I guess you can choose to continue as there is no harm . I was told some women continue so they are less anxious, but there is no clinical evidence that supports its better to carry on with them. I was supposed to use my last pessary on Saturday night too , but carried on, although I'll call the clinic today to speak again with them.xxx
For both my fresh transfers (ended around 6 weeks) and medicated FET (successful) I was told to stay on progesterone for up to 12 weeks. The one that worked I'm convinced was because we changed the type and amount of progesterone. Someone else mentioned NICE has also just issued guidance that even in natural pregnancies women at risk of miscarriage should be put on vaginal progesterone for 12 weeks. I think it depends on the reason you've had fertility treatment to some extent but it would be worth pushing your clinic as my consultant said you couldn't have too much progesterone and it could only help.