Bleeding at 6 and a half weeks - Fertility Network UK

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Bleeding at 6 and a half weeks

Cotswoldmum profile image
24 Replies

Hi everyone, I guess I’m just after some reassurance. So after five failed attempts at IVF we finally got pregnant with an FET. I’m currently six and a half weeks, with my viability scan next week. Yesterday evening I had what can only be described as a gush of blood. I was stood up at work and could feel myself bleeding. I basically ran to the toilet and my worst fears were confirmed, there was a crotch full of watery pinky red blood. I left and went home and put a pad in and have barely had a drop since (that was probably half an hour or so after the initial “gush”. I’ve called the clinic and I’m still waiting to hear back from them. I guess I’m after some reassurance from others that may have had similar? I had a chemical pregnancy a couple of months ago, and really don’t know if I’ll be able to cope with another miscarriage.

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Cotswoldmum profile image
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24 Replies
Faith103 profile image

I had this at 8 weeks. It was like a full blown period for 2/3 days but my baby was fine. He’s 9 months old. Try not to panic it’s pretty normal in early pregnancy. Xxx

Cotswoldmum profile image
Cotswoldmum in reply to Faith103

Thank you 🙏

Izzwhizz profile image
Izzwhizz in reply to Cotswoldmum

Thank you very much for the reassurance comments they help so so much! I just had a huge blood clot coming out and a full on blood flow at 5 weeks post FET . I’m very concerned laying and crying as I only had my second blood test yesterday due to spotting , my hormone level doubled in two days but seeing so much blood today and suffering miscarriage not long time ago it crashes me…

Cotswoldmum profile image
Cotswoldmum in reply to Izzwhizz

I hope everything’s ok. For both of us xx

Izzwhizz profile image
Izzwhizz in reply to Cotswoldmum

Good Luck my dear , I’m afraid it’s a bad news for me just came back from a scan 😭😭😭

Cotswoldmum profile image
Cotswoldmum in reply to Izzwhizz

I’m so sorry. This really is the hardest path any of us will ever walk. Thinking of you xx

MagicTourmaline profile image

I had exactly the same at about 6 weeks... I really panicked as I thought it was all over, called my clinic and they called me in a few days later for an early viability scan and there it was my little warrior with a strong heartbeat at 6w2d... And lots of people said that its normal, some people had it more than once and had a successful pregnancy...

So don't worry... try to get a scan done sooner if they can, just to get a peace of mind but it sounds exactly like I had and we are coming to 8 weeks... 🥰

Wishing you all the best with your pregnancy! ❤

Millbanks profile image

I had 3 weeks of bleeding from 15 - 19 weeks and it was a subchorionic haematoma. It scared the life out of me but bubba is fine.Bleeding is really common for some people, in fact some people bleed all the way through. I know it doesn't help the worry really, but please be assured that it does happen a lot! xx

Eternalwarrior profile image
Eternalwarrior in reply to Millbanks

I had a subchorionic haematoma too and was bleeding from 7-10 weeks. In fact when I went to the hospital for my scan at 7 weeks, I was bleeding so much they told me it wasn't looking good and they thought it was a miscarriage but, surprisingly, the baby was absolutely fine! I then lost my baby boy at 17+5 weeks for other reasons and there was no bleeding. It is normal to be worried, but bleeding is quite common in pregnancy.Wishing you all the best xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Eternalwarrior

Aw I'm so sorry to hear this - much love to you.But you're right that bleeding doesn't necessarily spell the end. xx

Eternalwarrior profile image
Eternalwarrior in reply to Millbanks

Thank you, lovely! I read your story... What a journey you have had but HUGE congratulations on your pregnancy. I am so happy for you! xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Eternalwarrior

Thank you so much! It was a long road for sure and feel so incredibly lucky to be here.

Are you any closer to your little family? xx

Eternalwarrior profile image
Eternalwarrior in reply to Millbanks

I am now 18 weeks but after over 4 years TTC and 5 miscarriages, including the late one. Very anxious, as it is a very high risk pregnancy but hoping this time will be OK! This forum has been such great help to me and I really hope I can help other women and give them some hope xxx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Eternalwarrior

Oh that's amazing news!! Congratulations ❤️I really feel for you - the anxiety must be intense - are you able to have extra reassurance scans? I'm high risk too and my consultant wants to see me every few weeks. I'd pay for extra scans just to keep me sane. It's incredible how you can be so happy and so scared a the same time. I really hope this one is the one for you xxx

Rain415 profile image

I had spotting a week before viability scan and again at 8 weeks. It's awful! But everything everything was okay. Sorry to hear about your chemical we had one before this pregnancy and why I was so worried about the spotting felt like history was repeating itself. Hope everything everything goes well at the scan x

KiboXX profile image

Oh lovely, I know how worrying this can be! It sounds a lot like a subchorionic haematoma, I had exactly the same happen around 9 weeks with my current pregnancy, I stood up and had a big gush of blood that went through my clothes. A scan confirmed I had a haematoma which had bleed out and resolved itself. After talking to ladies on here, it seems quite common with IVF pregnancies. I am 17 weeks now and baby is doing just fine.

I’ve previously had an early miscarriage and I hope it puts your mind at ease that the bleeding with that was very different, it started slow and gradually got heavier and was very painful.

Hopefully your clinic can bring your scan forward and put your mind at ease xxx

Cotswoldmum profile image

Thank you everyone for your replies. I haven’t had any bleeding at all today so I’m really hoping all is ok. Although still haven’t heard back from the clinic.

Jen_jen profile image

Hi Cotsworldmum, just wanted to say, me and my sis in law had a little bleeding early on and I also had a bleed at 25 weeks. I think it is pretty common.

Hope you are ok. Sending big big hugs x

Pinky12345 profile image

I had the same thing happen around the 6 week mark. I still to this day don’t know what the cause was but baby was fine & he’s approaching his first birthday.

Twiglet2 profile image

Hi lovely, you must be so worried but from my own experience (bleeding from 5 weeks-10weeks including bright red gushes and clots) it doesn’t always mean the worst but your clinic should be able to check both your HCG levels and hopefully do a scan to see if they can see where the bleeding is coming from (although sometimes it’s unknown, especially if it’s stopped now) the main thing is for you to get plenty of rest (especially if it is a SCH) I hope you’ve heard back from the clinic and had some guidance from them 🤗 sending you love and hugs xxx

I had bleeding for 7 days between 6-7 weeks. Clots an all. My clinic were not every helpful and would not scan me till 8 and a half weeks. I ended up going to the early pregnancy unit and they were fantastic. They scanned me, All was well. I am 13 weeks pregnancy now xx

Bella_Bee profile image

My discharge was brown so not the same but just to say that I hope the viability scan goes OK. It sounds like whatever it was (probably a hematoma) resolved itself. Fingers crossed for you 🍀🤞❤

tiger-cub profile image

I’m sure it’s very worrying for you .But if u r still worried Can u probably ask ur clinic to do a progesterone test. And also I would try and rest if possible and take it light until the scan . Probably it’s nothing . I had a long hard journey of 9 ivfs until I had my twins . And during that I was so petrified of loosing them that I just took it very light throughout. I had spotting too at 15 weeks Xx

Cotswoldmum profile image

Hi all! Sorry it’s been a bit of a whirlwind few days but thought I should update you all. So I had my scan on Wednesday and everything’s good! There’s an area of fluid next to the sack which is likely where the bleeding has come from so I’ve got to carry on taking it easy for a couple of weeks in case I bleed again, and I go back for a scan on the 9th dec to check that it’s all resolved itself. Thank you all so much for your support and kindness xxxx

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