Hi all. I'm trying to figure out when is best to do my first FET, but have some work trips (for the first time in over 18 months... typical 😫!) in the diary that I'm trying to factor in. My consultant proposed a natural modified FET (so normal cycle but adding trigger and progesterone). He says they'd scan me on day 12 of my cycle and transfer 6 days later. My question is, do you usually just have that one scan on day 12 for a FET, or have you been recalled on days 13, 14, 15 etc to check things (I guess they check to see if you are indeed about to ovulate, and also check thickness of the uterus lining??) Sorry all, clueless about FETs😂 !! xx
How many scans in a FET?: Hi all. I'm... - Fertility Network UK
How many scans in a FET?

It depends on how your lining is looking. Mine wasn't thick enough so I had to go for another scan 7 days after first. I think I heard you could have to keep going back. Once they were happy, Fet was arranged but I think it was more than a week after last scan because staff are only available on certain days. Probably all depends a bit on your hospital but it does take over your life for a while! Hope it goes well for you. It is so hard when you think you can finally get to post lockdown normality but then you can't cos of I've. Sending hugs xx
It depends on lining but then also if it's medicated FET or not. I only had two scans in my ERA mock cycle - and then my lining was fine to proceed. I think if it's natural they have to do more scans to 'catch' the right time. And if your lining isn't ready you may need another scan to check.
But overall for me it's been fewer scans than a fresh cycle of stims for sure!
Thank you! If I'm not taking meds to stop me ovulating, and my lining wasn't thick enough on day 12 (is that late to do a first scan what days did they scan you on??), I wonder what they'd do about it?? How would they prevent me from ovulating? 🤔 My lining has always been fine in fresh cycle scans so maybe they're counting on it being ok?? I think I need to ask the nursing team some more questions about this, pretty clueless!

Hi Aurora. Depends upon that first scan. If all looks well, then you may not need another one. If the lining is thin, then they will most probably check again to see if it is developing as it should. Trust your clinic, they will look after you. Good luck! Diane
I had one on day 10 and then one on day 13 as the lining wasn’t quite there on day 10. It’s also very linked to doing ovulation tests every 12 hours - I had to call in when I got the surge - which timed in with my 13 day scan - did the trigger that day and started progesterone on the 14th day- transferred 5 day embryo on 19th day.
Thank you so much, that's really helpful, seeing it spelled out xx
You’re very welcome! I’ll also add that it might have been day 10 (and 13) for the check because that was friday and Monday and whilst they open on weekend I think they prefer to avoid it. And I called in on the night of day 12 when I got the surge and he said not to worry and to come to my app the next day
Hi lovely, typical hey!!I have had FETs where I've had 1 scan, then transfer, and others where the lining hasn't played ball and I've had 4 scans before transfer (luckily never cancelled though).
So it really does depend on your lining. And annoyingly I had 2 FETs with no issues at all, then suddenly it just wouldn't thicken - so there's really no way of knowing.
I would assume that you may need more than 1 but they would likely wait a couple of days before scanning each time to give your lining time to increase.
Fingers crossed you only need the 1 though! xx
Thanks Millbanks. I'm just waiting for this time my lining to be rubbish, honestly 😆 Only thing that's always looked good but I guarantee it'll be playing up on my FET! I think we'll try naturally this cycle and tell the clinic to go ahead with a FET on my next. Depending on exactly when my next period starts, if the two days I'm supposed to be away would mess up the scans then I'll just have to miss the meeting 🙄 I definitely want to do a transfer this side of Christmas xx
Hi, so i am currently going through this but with meds. I started oestradiol tablets and yesterday had my first scan. Lining at 10.7 so they consulted and i’m booked in for transfer next Wednesday. No mention of further scans, just told me next steps and when to start pessaries. Bit surprising as thought i would have additional scans. Wish you all the best.
It was day 11, yeah they were happy with the thickness! x
With my natural FET I don't remember having any scans other than the day of transfer. I just had blood tests in the week leading up to ovulation, and it worked out fine (she'll be 2 tomorrow).
Hey my clinic scanned on day 12 and when lining not thick enough they scan every couple of days to see if thickened enough to start pessaries x