Hi, I should be 6 + 4 weeks pregnant today following IVF, and had 3 embryos transferred. Been having strong positives for a while so I booked a scan at exactly 6 weeks. Nothing at all was seen anywhere. Booked another scan elsewhere the following day and she thought she saw something with my ovary that was possibly a pregnancy (see pic) although this is extremely rare. I went to EPU the following day and they thought the thing in my ovary was a luteal body, and also my IVF doctor agreed with this. Then today, two days later, I’ve been back to EPU, my hcg is now 3905 but still nothing can be seen on the scan. They again advised the thing in my ovary looks like a cyst. Then waited 4 hours to see the head consultant, who thinks it may in fact be a pregnancy growing in my ovary, and wanted to do a laparoscopy with me signing something to say I agree to lose my ovary or tube if they find the pregnancy in there 😭😭.
Before the surgery I said I wanted more evidence it was a pregnancy in my ovary so I was sent elsewhere in the hospital for a much more advanced ultrasound, this time I was told it definitely does NOT look like a pregnancy. So I’ve now been sent home to go back on Saturday when I’ll be 7 weeks and be prepared for a laparoscopy, with strict instructions to go to emergency if I suddenly develop pain or bleeding.
I’m so confused and getting such mixed messages about where this pregnancy is growing and if it’s ectopic. I’ve had no pain, no bleeding. My hcg was doubling every 48 hours until the last 4 days when it’s started rising 45% every 48 hours.
The chances of an ovarian pregnancy are 0.3%. Anyone experienced this or have any advice?