Good evening
I had FET on the 24th Oct and a positive pregnancy test 9 days later, however I also had some negative tests with some cheap brands.
I had bloods taken 12 days post transfer and the HCG was 30. 48 hours later I had another blood test (14 days post FET) and this was 60.
I’m due to go into EPU tomorrow for a scan.
I’ve had mixed opinions, the consultant who referred me to EPU wants to outrule ectopic etc but then another consultant told me they wouldn’t have referred me as was happy with my results and would of waited until my 6/7 week scan booked on 21st.
I also did another pregnancy test the morning of the second set of bloods and it was negative. Again just a cheapo brand. Consultant told me to ignore these but my local EPU (not who I have an apt with tomorrow) said it’s likely I’ve had a miscarriage if I’ve had a negative test following a positive.
I’m really confused and feel so deflated. Also I want to mention I have increased bmi (above 30) so had read this can impact HCG level readings, also if it’s a FET instead of fresh this can also attribute to slow riser at the beginning.
Some forums say if you have less than 100 HCG 14 days post FET then it’s likely it’s a failing pregnancy.
Wondered if anyone else had similar? Just to say I have braced myself for bad news tomorrow but I wondered if there was any small glimmer of hope?