Hi everyone,
I haven't posted for a while. Had first fresh cycle of IVF over the summer, got a positive pregnancy test but then on the second day back at work I miscarried.
It was a month ago yesterday and while working is doing a very good job at keeping me busy (stressed and anxious), we had a weekend away and I have come back and started feeling low. Every Sunday since I feel like I don't want to get up and go in the morning and picture myself hiding somewhere. I have thought about saying how I feel truthfully to my boss, but I don't even feel like I can. They knew I was having treatment over the summer but I haven't told them about the miscarriage. I rang on the morning as I was setting off because I had a migraine and couldn't see. I didn't say why though. I usually get them before a big oestrogen drop.
I've put weight on too. I lost loads for the treatment and since I have just been eating whatever and feel like I've put loads back on which worries me for next potential treatment. Just feel like I need a break from it all and I know I can't have one. The impact of it all feels like it's only just hitting me. Ectopic pregnancy, loosing my tube, other side being under developed followed by another miscarriage of many. Urgh, so sorry to moan, I just don't know what to do xx