Hi, today i went for 1st scan after embryo transfer. everything was okay. Also we heard heartbeat. but when i came back home i see some spotting. when i went again in toilet there was thin mucus with white discharge. after that it continues. when i drink alot of water and took my medicine all bleeding was stopped. but now when i poop i see something in toilet seat. it was bright red but not mixing in water like blood mix. i am so afraid now.
6 weeks pregnant spotting today - Fertility Network UK
6 weeks pregnant spotting today

I completely understand why you are worried but don't get too panicked. I read so many forum stories and I really see a lot of women that have had spotting after a scan. Your cervix has many blood vessels and with pregnancy it's really normal if it slightly bleeds when it is slightly disrupted. I'm further along and had a little blood loss after a bowl movement. I called my midwife and she said put a towel on and call me in an hour. When I called back with no more blood, she told me they only worry if you fill a towel in half an hour.
Keep an eye on it and contact your clinic, midwife or doctor when you can. You may have a UTI or trush which is not a problem at all but may make bleeding more likely. They may suggest you do some further testing.
Take care xxx
Also keep drinking lots of water! Your stools may be a bit dry which makes it more likely to have some bleeding when you go.

Hi Hiramunir. So sorry to hear this. It can be for a number of reasons. Your little one's placenta will be starting to develop and can cause spotting. Pessaries can irritate the cervix, so if you think that might be the cause, try using them in your back passage if you have been prescribed them. Keep an eye out for any urine infection, so drink plenty of water. Obviously if it continues speak to your GP or go to an early pregnancy unit. Hope all is soon back to normal. Diane
i am so worried.. i can't stop crying... yesterday everything was normal... is there any way to stop this discharge? when i took antibiotic for yeast infection then this discharge stop. i took infection medicine zinnat 2 times a day. adco 3 times a day. but after a while again started...
Hi. You may need to have a swab taken to see what is affecting you. It may be a yeast problem, I'm not sure. You must speak to your GP and get the problem resolved. Diane
i don't see any stain on my pad. but when i go for urine and to pass stool only that time i see this yellow discharge mixed with some pink discharge.
I have this as well. Just got myself tested and they think I got a UTI. Have you contacted a doctor? You really should but unless you bleed heavily it's unlikely to be something serious. It's good there is nothing on your pad, it means you are not bleeding continuously. You just need some advice from the doctor. Xx
I am on strict bedrest. I put my feet up whole day... Now everything is okay. Idk how long but from evening i don't see any more discharge. Only my breast are sore.
Hi Hiramunir. You need to speak with your GP in case you have a urine infection. Diane
yeah i am calling now because i feel pain during urination.
I bled a significant amount of bright red blood in weeks 5 and 8 of my pregnancy. Both times i thought it was over for sure but I’m now 35 weeks pregnant with that baby.
Bleeding in early pregnancy is very common. Ask your doc if you should increase your prog.