Hey ladies! So we had Embryo transfer of 2 Morula embroys on Saturday. Since then I've pretty much had bleeding since. Light bleeding when I woke and a little on liner. Our test day isn't until Tuesday but just can't help think it hasn't worked 😔 Clinic says as long as not heavy then carry on as we are and wait until test day. We are so lucky to already have our 2 and half year old girl from ICSI back in 2018 and was first time success but this time has been so different to then as I had no symptoms at all in the TWW and thought then it had failed and now I'm having symptoms I'm still thinking it hasn't worked. So much anxiety in this rollercosaster journey. Basically just needed to right this and get it off my chest xx
TWW: Hey ladies! So we had Embryo... - Fertility Network UK

Hi Aame7800 Be kind to yourself - eat well , drink plenty of fluids rest when you can Take any medication you were given as directed Keep yourself busy - go for walks - read books anything to take your mind off your 2WW There is a webinar on fertlitynetworkuk.org called 2WW you would find interesting and helpfulGood luck
I had some light, pink bleeding during tww. It's really stressful but it turned out to be implantation bleeding. That transfer resulted in twins for us.
I’m on my TWW too. I’M HEARING YOU. Big hugs xxx
I’ve had light pink spotting, felt dizzy, nauseated, tired, light cramps and moody. I don’t know if it’s the tablets or gels that’s causing that or if I’m pregnant. I don’t want to get my hopes up. I’ve kept myself busy so definitely do that because it does help. The days were i’m busy I don’t give it much thought. It’s more when I’m sitting down resting or in the car driving. It is frustrating the waiting game but you are nearly there.
I’m anxious too so know that your normal. One min I think negative then I think positive. I am more positive when I get symptoms. I’ve never been so happy to be nauseated in my life. Then I think maybe it’s just the tablets or gel. Who knows. Only the pregnancy test will tell.
Just look after you and let your partner look after you. I’m sure it’s harder with having your wee girl but do this for you and your embryo. It’s up to nature at the end of the day. Good luck. I hope it does work out for you. I will be thinking of you xxx
Can I ask you all how many days after the embryo transfer have you to take the pregnancy test. I know it’s called a TWW but I’ve been told to take my test 11 days after the frozen transfer. Is this normal?
Hi, thanks for your reply. It's good to share experiences although I know everyone is different. My partner has been amazing since transfer and I've literally had my feet up. Because of covid I'm still working from home so sitting at my desk and napping at lunch time.
I have everything crossed for you too for test day. I find the tww the worst as your just left to it after weeks of appts.
Its defo harder having a toddler running around but she is good and also looking after me ❤ x
Yes, it is good to share experiences ☺️ I learn so much from other people.
That’s lovely your partner has been amazing. Great your still working from home 😊
Yeah it is strange the TWW but distractions are the best thing.
I’m sure she keeps you busy. Aww lovely she helps look after you. How cute is that. Good wee thing.
Well keep me posted on how things are. Thanks xx
Today we got our negative result 😔 I think I was prepared for it with all the bleeding since transfer. We are not waiting for a call to book in our follow up appointment and then go from there.
I have my fingers crossed for you and a BFP results. Let me know xxx
I am so sorry to here that. Yes, see what they say at your appointment. Take it easy and take care of yourself. Have a big hug from me xxx
My pregnancy test was positive xx
Wishing you all the best!! And REST as much as possible <3