Just thought I’d hop on as I’m really struggling today. I’m in my tww and had my transfer last Friday.
I was really calm about this transfer (it’s our 4th attempt) but today I’m just riddled with anxiety and hopelessness as I literally feel nothing (our 1st transfer I fell pregnant and had lots of cramping, implantation bleed etc - we had a miscarriage at 7 weeks).
This time I had a tiny bit of cramping on day 2 and 3 but that’s it. I’m really tired but I just feel so low and like it’s failed again.
I know everyone has different symptoms, some have them and some don’t, but it’s just torture waiting and knowing in my heart it feels like my other 2 failed transfers 😢
Is there any hope when you literally don’t feel anything?! I always read people have no symptoms but then they pretty much always have cramping etc.
Sorry for a depressing post!! Xx