Missed miscarriage. Local Vs General? - Fertility Network UK

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Missed miscarriage. Local Vs General?

Capps8 profile image
15 Replies

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Hi all, so we had our 8 week scan today after no heartbeat last week. Same result, too small, no heartbeat. I held it together until another lady came out happily waving her scan pic for her husband to see. I was so jealous and could stop the tears falling.

We got referred to our local hospital this afternoon who wouldn’t accept the fertility clinic scans. So I had another scan and back next Friday for another to triple confirm. Just want this done now.

So my question is local or general aesthetic? Anyone who’s had either please could you let me know how it was and which you would recommend if not too hard to talk about.

Local - they said I might be able to have straight away after the scan. Would be quick. Husband can stay with me. But I don’t know if I’m strong enough and scared of the pain/discomfort. (I had egg collection under local and passed out as I wound myself up).

General anaesthetic- I’d prefer to be knocked out. But I need a Covid test and to wait 48hours. Then could get bumped if they are busy. Also how is the recovery?

Thank you for any advice you can give and I’m sorry so many of us have been or are going through this. It’s overwhelming.

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Capps8 profile image
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15 Replies
RhinoCat profile image

Hi pet, 😭so sorry you’re facing this. It truly is the worst heart pain ever 😘😘😘💐💐💐💐💐

I had general and knew nothing about it. Few hours in hospital after to recover then home. Some bleeding a few days later and paracetamol Was enough . I personally liked not knowing anything about it . Totally different from egg collection but I was also knocked out somehow for that. It’s tough enough to go through without more distress and pain. I took the easy option. It felt right for me. Do what you want and not what is easier for the hospital. You can have what you need as it’s an emergency kind of thing. Hope you can decide soon so that the plan and physical side is over soon. Then you can deal

With your heart pain better after 😘😘😘😘💐💐💐💐💐

Emlou87 profile image

Sending lots of love your way right now. That moment of finding no heartbeat is a feeling that I’ll never forget, especially as you are surrounded by other pregnant women at the clinic.I chose to do general anaesthetic. I found out there was no heartbeat on the Tuesday, confirmed it on the Thursday and then waited until the following Monday for the op. I couldn’t face being awake for it though so I knew it was the right decision for me. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. And remember… after every storm comes a rainbow. 🌈 xx

LuxFleur profile image

Reading more of your details, I would recommend the general anesthetic. They use a vacuum device and it may upset you to be conscious for it. xo

Capps8 profile image

Thank you. I think I’m leaning towards general but the hospital and my husband are pushing local.

ZessB profile image

Hi, sorry you are going through this. Have they mentioned leaving it to nature? Once I had stopped all my medication, it happened within 5 days. Just a thought. Sending you hugs xxx

Capps8 profile image
Capps8 in reply to ZessB

Hello, I’d rather have medical but yes they’ve said this week it might happen naturally especially now I’ve stopped my progesterone. I have to wait for a fourth scan next Friday before they can help so it might happen before that. If not I want to go in with my mind made up on a decision from that point. I’m a bit of a control freak! Cathy x

ChloeDE profile image

Firstly, so sorry to hear this. Please be kind to yourself.I had a MVA (just took painkillers) to remove pregnancy tissue that did not come out naturally after miscarriage. They said I could go home straight after but, although the actual procedure was okay, afterwards I was in agony and was vomiting lots. I wouldn't do it again without more medical assistance. X

Capps8 profile image

Thank you, it’s good to know all instances which can happen and prepare myself a bit. I’m sorry this sounds awful for you x

tryingfortwo profile image

Hi Capps8, unfortunately I've been in this position three times and each time I had a general anaesthetic. The doctors said each time I could wait for the miscarriage to happen naturally but it could take a long time (weeks) and there was no guarantee all tissue would come out, in which case they would have to operate anyway as leftover tissue could lead to infection. The first time it happened to me was my very first pregnancy and I had never even heard of the term missed miscarriage. I was in my tenth week and went in for a regular check up. I was floored and shocked and extremely upset, so I was happy I was not awake for the procedure. The next two MMCs were also unexpected and totally heartbreaking so I was also pleased that I was less aware of the actual procedure. All three times my recovery went well, some cramping and bleeding of course, quite drained of energy the first few days, physically and emotionally so it's important to get as much rest as possibly. I am so sorry this happened to you and I wish you the very best with your recovery.

Capps8 profile image
Capps8 in reply to tryingfortwo

Thank you for sharing your story and advice. I’m so sorry this has happened to you 3 times! Heartbreaking. Wishing you luck on your journey xxx

Unicorn787 profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss. I have had 7 miscarriages and only used “local” or an MVAC once. The rest I did naturally so I can’t comment on general but out of all 7 the most traumatic for me was the emotional side of the local. The procedure itself wasn’t painful it was fine and the recovery after was fine but to be awake knowing they are taking it out of you and in a way you are lying there consenting all the time I found incredibly emotional and still do. I guess it depends on how you cope emotionally but for me it was the toughest thing emotional but completely fine physically.

I am 42 now but when I had my daughter I fell pregnant and lost it at 11 weeks but then fell pregnant three months later with my daughter. I was younger so don’t lose hope that you can indeed fall pregnant again… big hugs.

Capps8 profile image

Thank you so much for sharing. Wow 7 miscarriages is horrific. The emotional side is what I’m worried about. I’m not a strong person and worried it will upset me too much. We have 4 Frosties left so crossing everything one off them works for us in the future. I’m blessed to have a daughter from previous IVF. So sometimes feel guilty for wanting baby 2 so much.

Thank you and so sorry for your losses. Cathy xx

hifer profile image

Hi there, I’ve had 2 surgeries for miscarriage. One was general and one was local because of Covid. I wouldn’t, personally, have a local again. It was uncomfortable, you can hear everything and it was very very upsetting. My recovery from a general was pretty quick. Obviously you need to take it pretty easy physically but it’s the mental recovery that takes a bit longer. Thinking of you xx

I’ve had 2 natural and 1 mva which I found the easiest booked a day of my choice although I was scared the actual procedure wasn’t anywhere as bad as I’d thought I was out 1/2 hr afterwards some pain killers minimal bleeding compared to natural mc. I’ve not had d&c so can’t compare I’m sure it would be fine too I just hate the being put to sleep part. Sorry for your loss big hugs x

Capps8 profile image

Thank you for sharing your experience and I’m sorry for your losses too x

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