Well EC yesterday was pretty depressing. We had 10 follicles (although 3 too small) so were expecting 6-7 eggs. We got 5 eggs, but only 2 are mature. 😔 we are doing ICSI so they are going to call this morning to let me know how they’re getting on. It’s our first cycle, and our consultant talked us out of getting a multi-cycle package because she was “confident we would get a baby from just one cycle”. I feel completely devastated. It just feels like it will take a miracle for either to fertilise and get to day 5. Our clinic don’t do day 3 transfers, either, so no chance of an early transfer 😔 Has anyone had success with such low numbers? x
Only 2 mature eggs collected - any hope? - Fertility Network UK
Only 2 mature eggs collected - any hope?

I had 4 eggs, 2 blastocysts and one of them is my 8 week old son. I’m 40 and it was our 3rd cycle.
Good luck🍀❤️
Not had success yet. But we did have better results 2nd time round. They said for me that my follicles needed a couple more days than other women usually do. I responded well as in 11 or 10 eggs but didn't have many mature eggs (5 first time and 8 2nd time- and we also have MFI) but the 2nd time they waited a day or so more. And got one blastocyst to transfer altho BFN. I can't believe they talked you out of multi cycle.🤔 Not always but heard 1st cycle is more of a trial run to see what works for you. I really hope those 2 ones fertilise and grow well over the next few days. 🤞🤞🤞
Hello lovely. I know it's incredibly stressful but there is always hope. I only get small amounts of eggs each time but I still managed to get a few embryos. The main thing is quality! We have to hope they both fertilise and go on to do well in the lab 🤞🤞🤞
Thanks so much for the lovely responses. I just had a call from the clinic and both have fertilised. So that’s good news! Now we just have to wait and see if we can get either/both to day 5 🤞🏼
I cried the whole way through the call! I just feel so hopeless - although she said there’s about a 50% chance of them getting to blastocyst so I’m really hoping we get something to transfer. She’s said that they’ll call me every day for an update - I think I’m just going to be a massive bag of nerves every morning until Monday (if we get that far).
I really appreciate all of the reassurance ❤️ Trying to pick myself up but can’t help feeling pessimistic xx
Such good news! 🧡 The five-day wait for final results is so tough, but you will be fine. xxxx
Thank you so much! ❤️ Really trying to just take deep breaths and carry on with normal life. It just feels so consuming - can’t concentrate on work because I’m just so anxious. Really appreciate the support - thank you! Xxx
I was in a similar situation recently, had 5 eggs with 2 fertilised. Both made it to blastocyst. Hope that gives you some hope, it feels so crappy when numbers are disappointing but it can all come good. Xx
Thank you so much for sharing your experience ❤️ That definitely does give me some hope! I felt so awful yesterday, and convinced myself that neither were going to fertilise. So the first hurdle is jumped…just panicking about the next one now 🙈 thanks again for sharing and giving me hope! Xx
Hey, how are things going for you now? Xx
We made it to transfer!!! I can’t actually believe it! 😳❤️🙏 one little 5AB embryo on board! Official test date is 8th April so just got to see if I can hold off until then! 😬🤞🏼😬🤞🏼 Thanks for everyone’s amazing support - it is so appreciated ❤️❤️ xxx
I was similar situation to you actually ! 10 follicules, 7 eggs, 1 fertilised with ICSI and made it to day 5, I was very worry! Yesterday, 8dp5dt, I tested positive on clearblue digital with pregnant 1-2!! I am still cautious but that was encouraging! And I had absolutely no symptoms, not even cramps ! Good luck xxxx