I had my third egg retrieval today, all finished!!
I got 8 eggs...but when I got the call from the lab, they said that 6 were mature and frozen, but the two other eggs were not actually immature, they were a shell/cells with nothing inside! So I don't know whether it's 8 eggs and 6 frozen, or 6 eggs and 6 frozen because the other 2 were not technically eggs.
I haven't had this in my previous two egg freezings, the first retrieval was 8 eggs 6 frozen and second cycle 8 eggs and 7 frozen. I did ask and they said they see this empty egg/not an egg thing regularly so nothing to worry about. Anyone know what it means/if it means anything?! I am hoping this does not mean some of the eggs were poor quality as there was a shell but no egg? Over thinking as usual...
This cycle they did up my stims for a few days and the outcome was the same, so higher stims did nothing for me sadly in terms of numbers. Also...I had 14 follicles so would have thought maybe 10 eggs, quite a few follicles didn't have an egg it seemed. Does anyone have any stats on follicles to egg ratios and what's normal/good?
But in total from 3 rounds of egg freezing I have 19 eggs.
I will do another post when I have recovered and got some headspace about whether I go for a 4th, listing some points I think I should consider, as want to get people views.
What do you think of 19 eggs frozen at age 37 in terms of an insurance policy? My ideal would be 25-30, purely because I am not using these now as I am single....and the way dating goes I may be early 40's when or even IF I meet someone and try. And I am a heavy drinker and had a few holidays in between cycles when I was drinking like 10 drinks a night, so unsure what the quality of my eggs is.
3 egg retrievals in 6 months anyway - I am definitely not doing ANYTHING else until next spring or summer if I even do. Can't wait to have alcohol again!