Fluid around ovaries? *UPDATE* - Fertility Network UK

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Fluid around ovaries? *UPDATE*

XOXO13 profile image
19 Replies


Turns out I have an infection and raised platelets so I’ll be given antibiotics and my clexane increased to 60mg a day (plus aspirin) which feels like a lot - my mum is a little concerned with how much that is given my weight but I trust the clinic! Hopefully this helps and doesn’t harm the babies. Repeat blood tests in 48 hours again… really feel like I’m being tested here Xx

Hi all,

Has anyone ever experienced fluid around the ovaries and associated pain around the right side?

I was in A&E Friday through to Sunday with OHSS, experiencing the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life and was really scared. I genuinely didn’t think the babies would survive but they have done and still measuring ahead.

Since being home from the hospital, I’ve still been experiencing right side pain though higher up than the ovaries. I’ve just had a third scan at the clinic due to continued pain and they’ve found fluid around my ovaries which wasn’t there Friday. She said this may be the reason for the discomfort and has ran some blood tests to rule out infection.

I’m taking regular paracetamol, but I haven’t been able to sleep properly for days, I’m genuinely not feeling well due to the discomfort and it’s sending my anxiety through the roof despite being reassured three times now that the babies are fine. I can’t distinguish between normal pregnancy pain, OHSS symptoms and/or whatever this pain is.

I’m spending most my days uncomfortable and bed or sofa bound, only moving every so often to use the loo or to force myself to stretch my legs and keep blood flowing. I’m back at work next week so worrying how I’ll manage if this pain persists.

Any tips for coping? Tips for the types of foods to eat to help ease the pain? Tips for sleeping? General advice or words of comfort?

Thank you ❤️ Xx

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XOXO13 profile image
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19 Replies
Millbanks profile image

Oh love, you're really going through the mill aren't you. I've not experienced this but I just wanted to say hang in there. You know the babies are fine which is great.

I found when I had OHSS that ginger ale really helped with the pain - the bubbles help for some reason... might be worth a try.

If you can take a bit more time off work it may be worth it - just get yourself settled before putting anymore pressure on yourself.

You're in the best possible hands xxx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Millbanks

I know, it’s making me feel really sad and I just want to cry. The pain can be so intense so it’s frustrating to not be able to really treat it, and I’m exhausted of feeling so poorly. I know I could extend my sick leave, but I also feel that makes me a terrible employee as I’ve basically not worked in July 😱 I’ll try ginger ale, thank you lovely! I’ve been wondering what I can have that may possible relieve some of the discomfort xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to XOXO13

Oh love, more clexane injections 😫Sending lots of love. I think you just have to power through but you’ve got this xxx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Millbanks

Definitely. I’m having a bed day today with cheesy feel good movies ☺️ Xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to XOXO13

Good girl!! I’m having insomnia at the moment which is fun 😫. Xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Millbanks

Ow no, that sucks! Anxiety insomnia? Have you tried the Calm app? I literally listen to it at the moment maybe fives times a day or more… they’ve got some sleep stuff on there and anxiety and calm guided meditations that are quite good! Another thing to explore is reflexology? And try rest when you can, even if that’s day time 💗 xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to XOXO13

I’m just waking up at 3,4,5am needing to pee, then can’t get back to sleep. It’s not exactly anxiety but I’m just so awake…. My clinic said that steroids can cause it but I’m taking them early morning so who knows..Yes defo lots of naps!! xxx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Millbanks

I haven’t slept for a few weeks straight through either, so maybe it is the steroids? But when you’re in bed, just chuck the calm app on (there’s one that guides you back to sleep, I had to listen to it twice b2b for it to work last night but it did work…) and hopefully you’ll nod off. Needing the loo so often is a good sign… little bean is getting comfortable 💛

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to XOXO13

I will give it a go!! Thanks lovely. Oh I hope so xxx

Lancal profile image

Oh, gosh! How terrible. That must be really crap.

I have no advice, but I want to say hang in there. It appears that the medical professionals are looking after you properly and doing what they can. It must really suck, though, and I feel so sorry for you.

I hope you get better soon and can enjoy your pregnancy finally. Sending you get well soon vibes! x

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Lancal

Thank you so much 💗 I have felt a little fed up, pregnancy after loss is hard enough without having to face the challenges of this but I’m trying to remain positive. I’ve got food doctor’s and I’m now on the right medication so hopefully I’ll get better quickly 🌈🌈 xxx

NewMom1982 profile image

Well first of all congratulations on those STRONG babies. I too had OHSS and my stomach was so big and hard to the point my husband forced me to go to the ER. What worked for me was a high sodium diet and limiting my liquid intake to 1L per day. I was so uncomfortable and made the couch my best friend for a while. My clinic told me that along with my high sodium diet; lots and lots of protein is good and they told me that I needed to try and walk around and be more active. I was like “are you kidding me…I’m so bloated, lacking sleep and so uncomfortable” BUT I started walking around the house doing little things: making dinner; putting things together had guess what my tummy started going down and my OHSS went away in a few days. It wasn’t easy as I could barely walk but I did it! I was so sick of feeling that way and I too had to return to work. So try lots of protein and try being a bit more active. It will also help with blood flow to your uterus and keeps babies very happy. Stay encouraged 🎉

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to NewMom1982

Thank you! They’ve amazed me that they’re still going strong 🌈🌈

Sorry you had to go through OHSS too, it’s so painful! That’s interesting you lowered your fluid intake as since egg collection, I’ve been told to increase my fluids to 4L of water and 1L of milk! My swelling is actually going down, and I don’t feel as bloated. It’s now the fluid around the ovaries and the infection that is causing the pain. They’re not really sure what caused it, though my symptoms suggest a ruptured ovary that landed me in hospital vs the OHSS itself. I did say to the hospital when I arrived that it felt like my right ovary was bursting 😖

Now I’m on antibiotics, I’m hoping I’ll recover quickly and then I can start to enjoy the pregnancy without having this worry 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Thank you for your advice and kind words xxx

NewMom1982 profile image
NewMom1982 in reply to XOXO13

Oh wowowo!!!! I cannot imagine the pain. I’m glad the swelling is going down it’s so uncomfortable and I'm happy you are on antibiotics. You will be back to your self in no time. My transfer is coming up soon. Im so excited. Is this your first transfer?

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to NewMom1982

Thank you. I ended up back in hospital with constant vomiting so feeling incredibly drained now! This is my fourth transfer, so grateful it worked. Will this be your first? Best of luck to you 🍀🍀 xxx

NewMom1982 profile image
NewMom1982 in reply to XOXO13

Oh for some reason my message didn’t got the first time- weird. But OH WOW!!! I hope you are doing better now, this journey comes with so much uncertainties. For me it will be my first transfer.

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to NewMom1982

Best of luck to you 🍀🍀

I’m doing better, babies are both fine which is the biggest relief right now xx

NewMom1982 profile image
NewMom1982 in reply to XOXO13

Oh this is great news and thanks so much.

Ah bless you love. Hoping for a quick recovery back to normal. Glad babies are doing well. Stay rested and try not to worry hun (easier said that done!) 💕

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