Hi ladies. So I started my 3rd ivf round, had my eggs retrieved today (10 eggs 🤗) and waiting for updates from my clinic reg the embryos and transfer 🙏 My question is how important is it to stop drinking coffee during the 2WW? Any experiences that you can share with me? As i really suffer from terrible headache when i stop coffee and i feel guilty drinking it after the transfer will affect implantation/pregnancy. Sending you all lots of positive vibes 🤍
2 weeks wait... coffee or no coffee? - Fertility Network UK
2 weeks wait... coffee or no coffee?

Hi hun, if it was me I’d switch to decaf just to be on the safe side xxx
1 coffee a day is considered safe for pregnant ladies so you should be fine. Ask your doctor when they call tomorrow if you want extra reassurance though xx
I drink coffee throughout my 2WW. Only one cup though ( half milk half expresso) . I didn’t realise that you weren’t meant to ( thought it was just alcohol ) but it turned out ok for me I did get a BFP. I think the official advice is no more than 200mg per day. Don’t forget Coke contains caffeine too. I think if you get headaches without it I’d have a cup. Don’t feel guilty about it/ we are so tough on ourselves in this process .Anyway fingers crossed for you. Sending you baby dust x
I don’t drink coffee but I continued to have 1 cup of tea every morning and I had chocolate in my TWW. I think limit how much you drink but a small glass a day is not going to make a big difference. Saying this if the guilt is going to get you then it’s better to stay away.. I think stressing about it causes more harm then having the coffee… good luck! 🤞🏽
One coffee a day is ok unless a triple espresso 🤪 but limiting caffeine is definitely a good thing as high caffeine intake above 200mg doubles the risk of miscarriage xx
My doctor said one cup a day will do no harm at all. I have one each day during the 2WW. I think trying to withdraw from it completely would probably be worse for me than the one a day.
There are a gazillion studies on this, with the end result being that a small amount makes no difference. A lot of people site the 200mg point, but most scientific studies allow for more. I stick to the one a day.
Best of luck! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
Depending on the type of coffee the 200mg allows you to have 3 cups a day! (If no other caffeine too l, like coke, tea, chocolate!) And those 3 cups are proven safe! Some chose to have less but it is what makes them feel comfortable, there is no scientific backing! And nhs guidelines err on thr side of caution. So I'd say 3 cups is absolutely fine!!!
I would also try get off caffeine if you can, but instead of stopping all together, make it slightly less every day until you are over on decaf coffee! Or at least just try limit how much. I only drink decaf now - it is not that bad! I can’t taste the difference to be honest 😇 but understand it is awful if you get headaches. I think the headache of coming off caffeine does eventually go away - but perhaps now is not the best time to make you feel awful!
But like said - they say up to 200mg is considered ok.. so you could just try limit it 😇 So much stuff you don’t think about with caffeine in it though - green tea, chocolate, some fizzy drinks..
Got everything crossed those eggs fertilise beautifully for you and it is a good call re embryos! All the best!! 🥰🧡
Try switching to tea (less caffeine)and or decaf coffee. It’s an important 2ww so anything that helps is a good idea. Good luck.
My doc recommended 1 cup of coffee a day, but if you suffer from headache, please check with your clinic/GP whether they can prescribe you magnesium (I have migraine and have been taking Magnetrans forte 150mg 3x daily). Haven’t had any migraines since April).
Hey ! I’m a total caffeine addict - normally 6 a day . I stopped during down reg ( massive headaches etc) and I’m on one or two cups of green or black tea a day which has a lot less caffeine than coffee. I was told one coffee per day was fine . It’s hard but having that one a day is really important , probably its a psychological thing in the morning - it’s important to feel like I’m waking up ! All the best x